
Four Examples of Highly Successful International Brands

It is a long-enduring adage that, if you want to learn how to do something well, you should look at how other people have done it well. For this reason, we reckon that, if you want to develop a brand that can help your company to significantly enhance its image and so attract a lot more customers, you should look at how many of the world’s most successful brands have been developed. In this blog post, we look at some of these brands and judge what you could particularly learn from them.


The technology corporation Apple was recently judged, through analysis carried out by The Telegraph, to have the world’s most valuable brand, which has been cited as worth almost $117bn, equivalent to approximately £70bn.

The company has likely been assisted in reaching this point by its name, which is wonderfully simple but recognisable. Indeed, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs later revealed that the company was given this name because he was returning from an apple farm and considered the Apple name “fun, spirited and not intimidating”. The company has also likely received help from many of its advertising campaigns, especially those using the slogan “Think Different”, as that slogan remains closely associated with Apple even today. A name and slogan that strike just the right balance between being simple and being unique, and so are likely to long remain in many minds, can be a good promotional starting point for your own company.


This Swiss company’s logo depicts a mother bird feeding two young birds in a nest. What could be cuter? Furthermore, the company is responsible for many of the world’s highest selling food brands, including Kit Kat, Smarties, Nesquik and Nescafé. However, we think that one significant reason for the company’s international success is the considerable fame of the Nestlé name.

This name originally came from that of Henri Nestlé, one of the company’s founders. Though he retired in 1875, his name remained part of the business name – which was, back then, Société Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé. The company adopted its current official name, Nestlé S.A., in 1977. The Nestlé name has become widely familiar largely due to products including Nesquik and Nescafé, the names of which were partly inspired by that of Nestlé.


Advertising can be a reliable way to effectively spread the word about your company. However, as so many of your corporate rivals are also advertising and working hard to do it well, you must be meticulous about how your company advertises. You need advertisements that are unique but pleasant, and so can help to ensure that your company stands out from the crowd for the right reasons.

Hence, we think that you should pay particular attention to unique advertisements that have been run by IKEA, a Swedish company that is among the planet’s biggest furniture retailers. These advertisements include a UK-wide campaign in 2007 called ‘Home is the Most Important Place in the World’, which included the use of estate agent signs adorned with the phrase ‘Not For Sale’. Examples like this one could inspire good advertisements for your company.


This big name in the world of soft drinks has often been dubbed the world’s most valuable brand, which shouldn’t widely surprise considering that it has been reported that, in 2013, the drink was consumed in more than 200 countries, with over 1.8 billion company beverage servings being downed daily.

The development of the brand over many years has likely been encouraged by slogans used by The Coca-Cola Company to promote the drink. Many of us know that Christmas is truly arriving when we see that familiar television advertisement with the red delivery trucks and the “Holidays are coming!” slogan; other slogans that have recently been used in both the US and UK include “Life tastes good”, “Make It Real” and “The Coke Side of Life”.

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About the author: Benjamin Kerry

We’re the UK’s favourite SEO Copywriting & Proofreading company. Our services include:

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1 reply
  1. Lee Hart
    Lee Hart says:

    Hi Benjamin,

    Nice article. I’m going to try use this as inspiration for my new company’s advertisements!

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