Why are Dutch creatives in demand?
But instead I’ll use myself so you can better understand. I am enormous.

I stand a solid 2m tall, weigh 100kg and I’m built in proportion (that’s one for the ladies). I can handle twice as many briefs as the typical Spaniard. My head is huge and my brain weighs 1.4 times as much as a typical Italian and with the increased blood supply, I can work for 4 hours longer than an English copywriter without needing alcohol. I can use my height to impress clients (although honestly, most of the times I let my work do that). Being a blonde makes me easier to find in your agency, which in turn makes communication easier and faster. My length gives me better overview. And something for others to look up to.
These physical attributes make me a thoroughbred when it comes to delivering on brief, and I am typical of the new breed of Dutch creatives. That’s why we’ve won so many awards and produced such effective advertising. That’s why The Netherlands is coming out of recession while the rest of Europe struggles. We’re just bigger.
The Collective represents the biggest Dutch creatives in the business and they don’t come any bigger than me. Check my website or collective portfolio if you’re interested in hiring me for freelance work.