
Dream teams, now you can hire creative + copywriter teams from Copywriter Collective

Sometimes you need more than just copy or just art direction. You need the full package: a whole creative team. That’s why Copywriter Collective is now offering just that. We’ve invited some incredibly talented creative dream teams to come and join us, and they’re available to work for you right now. Check out what they can do below, and get in touch to see how a little creative teamwork could transform your marketing effort.


Worry-free hiring. 
We don’t just take on anyone at Copywriter Collective. The teams we represent have been thoroughly vetted to ensure not only their creative excellence but their dependability too. So you can count on getting the top team you need with minimum fuss and bother.A perfect match.
Our creative teams have various different backgrounds and different specialisms. That way we can match specific teams to your particular needs. Which means you get the results you’re after quicker and easier than ever.
Work the way you want. 
We work both with ad agencies and direct with client companies — both big and small. And our creative teams can work either at your place or remotely from their bases. It’s entirely up to you. Last but not least, whether they’re in Budapest or Barcelona they all speak English if that’s what you prefer.

Check out some portfolios from our Creative Teams:

Freelance Team: Kirsa Plewnia (Barcelona) & Alice Marzano (Amsterdam)
Client: Mikyajy
The Big Idea: Mikyajy is a fun-loving, youthful and fashionable brand for young women, based in Dubai. The creative concept is inspired by Alice in Wonderland, where our leading lady, Myriam Fares, a Middle Eastern superstar, lives every girl’s dream to inhabit a fantastical, magical and colorful world made from fun and oversized make-up products and fragrances. The campaign has been rolled out in TV, Print and Instore.Together we make a great team. Call or email us now to get a free quote or find out more.