
Dead Copywriters Don’t Tell Stories

For over 15 years now, I’ve been teaching the concept of “storyselling,” a term I coined about using the power of stories in the sales process.

It’s nothing new. It’s a technique I learned way back in my early career, especially from one of the most brilliant minds in copywriting and a master at the art of storytelling: Gary Halbert.

Gary passed a few years ago, and I sure do miss the old fart. We used to talk on the phone, sometimes for hours, discussing the industry, people in it, new techniques, and upcoming seminars.

When Gary wanted to make a point, he didn’t state it. He would tell me a story. It often had nothing to do with the point (not at first, anyway), but it drove his point home beautifully, brilliantly, and poignantly. Even now, years after his passing, I still remember the stories he told me quite vividly.

That’s because Sir Gary of Halbert was a true master at telling stories that sell.

And that is also why he was a master at copywriting, too. People didn’t call Gary the “Prince of Print” for no reason. His copy was so captivating, it’d grab you by the eyeballs and force you into the story.

At seminars we gave together, I remember how he would be “winging it” on stage, but he would still mesmerize the crowd by the stories he told. Whether it was to impart some copywriting gem or a harsh lesson in the the industry, Gary’s stories always made a point — and of course, made the “sale.”

As you know, Gary’s two sons, Kevin and Bond, are continuing in their father’s footsteps. Together, along with myself and a superstar panel of top, million- if not billion-dollar copywriters, are “resurrecting” the dead “alpha sh*tweasel.” (That was Gary’s favorite nickname for himself).

It’s going to be a truly phenomenal course that can turn any so-so writer into a master copywriter and storyseller. Kevin and Bond, along with host Mark McRae, are calling it “Halbertology.”

About the author: Michel Fortin

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A copywriter and consultant for close to 30 years, Michel was instrumental in selling millions worth of products and services. His most notable success is a salesletter that sold over a million dollars online on launch day. Today, Michel is a best-selling author, in-demand public speaker, and highly sought-after marketing consultant.

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