
Creative Writing: talk to your audience conversationally

Do you know who you’re writing to?

It’s so important.

I’ve always thought the best writers were the ones who made you feel like they were sitting across from you in a restaurant, telling you a story when you read. I always wanted to write in that relaxed, conversational manner… but I never could.

My writing always came out stone-cold and boring.

But one thing I’ve learnt that’s made my writing more conversational, and less like crap from a textbook, was to visualise who I was writing to.

The simplest way to do this is to act like you are writing a letter to a close friend.

Have you noticed that when you write an email or letter to a close friend, the words seem to flow out of you? This is because you’re writing honestly and without censoring yourself. You’re comfortable and relaxed, this allows the words to flow out of you and onto the page.

Another thing I do to make my writing more personal is to write to a specific person. I know this may sound like I’m a little ‘nuts’, but most of the time this person is a totally made up person.

Yes, I’m writing to my ‘imaginary friend’

I know… most people stop having imaginary friends once they hit age 8 or so. But not me.

Okay, it’s a little crazy but the thing is… it works. One reason I think it works so well because the person is imaginary. I’m not worried about what they will think. It allows me to ‘let go’ when I write, and not worry about being judged. When I write to an imaginary friend I give the person certain traits:

  • A face
  • A name
  • An age
  • An occupation
  • Wants
  • Needs
  • Desires

This ‘imaginary friend’ is my audience.

When I try to write to a wide audience my writing often wanders around aimlessly. But when I give the traits my audience has to my ‘imaginary friend’, and write directly to my ‘imaginary friend’, my writing comes out with more passion and emotion. It flows out of me with more honesty and feeling. It has a unique voice.

Okay, so now you all think I’m insane… and that’s fine.

Just do me one favour.

Try it.

Break through those inhibitions you have that are telling you what I’ve said is all non-sense and just do it.

It works.

I know because I’ve seen it work.


About the author: Paul Giannotti


Paul specialises in writing and split-testing copy to grow conversion rates on leads and sales. Combining the fields of Copywriting and Conversion Rate Optimisation [CRO], he uses a unique copywriting methodology to increase client’s conversion rates.

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This article was first published by Paul Giannotti