Copywriting Competition: Define an Art Director

Art Directors. Love them or hate them? Are they the people who bring an ad together or just a fancy title for a glorified graphic designer? However you think of them, concisely defining what they do to someone outside advertising is difficult. That’s your challenge: Define an Art Director!

Copywriting competition is now closed and the winner is… Christy!

In six words or less, how would you define an Art Director?

Don’t hold back. Say what you really think. Or try the opposite tact and kiss up to your “favourite” Art Director. They might be good at a layout, but we know you’re great at finding the right words.

The prize

The best description will be awarded a copy of this advertising bible.Art Director

How to enter

Type your entry in the comments box below. We accept up to 5 entries per person.


We’ll be accepting entries until 12th April, so let Art Directors know how you really feel!

To comment, please click HERE

Art Director

52 replies
  1. Peter Altschuler
    Peter Altschuler says:

    Proponents of form over content
    Ars gratia commercium
    Oddly dressed copy killers
    Partners in persuasion
    The pretty-uppers

  2. CuriousPencil
    CuriousPencil says:

    An Art Director is:
    “Too many words” set on repeat.
    An Art Director is:
    A speed-reading-blindfold widow-maker.
    An Art Director is:
    Intensively defensive of what Photoshop *isn’t*.
    An Art Director is:
    A self-defined, self-defeating necessity.
    An Art Director is:
    “I don’t care, it looks good”.

  3. Karl
    Karl says:

    Someone I let share my awards
    One half of 100% my idea
    A copywriter’s partner in advertising crime
    The art decorators to copywriter plumbing
    Without them, we’ve only paper ideas
    Find a trustworthy one, and bingo!

  4. EverettG
    EverettG says:

    1. Art Directors: Looks Appeal, Strategy Wins
    2. Art Directors Are Smart Selectors
    3. Art Directors Hire, Fire — and Win!
    4. Art Directors Rock Your Bottom-Line!
    5. Your Bottom-Line Needs? Art Director!
    Bonus: Art Directors Must Be Visually Appealing
    Or, hey, if the 6 words don’t need to include the title… then these are my entries:
    1. Looks Appeal, Words Matter, Strategy Wins
    2. Art Directors: Smart Selectors = Money Collectors
    3. Art Directors: Choose Visually Appealing Heart-Wrenching Winners
    4. Art Directors Are Spectacular Heart Directors
    5. Great @ Finding Diamonds In Dirt
    Bonus: Great @ Dusting Off Dirty Diamonds
    If I’ve disqualified myself due to giving too many options, well, forgive me. Earlier I had a run in with someone yelling, “Where’s the Beef?”

  5. Cathy Scott
    Cathy Scott says:

    How many art directors does it take to change a lightbulb?
    Art director: “Does it have to be a lightbulb?”

  6. Karri Karsi
    Karri Karsi says:

    Moderatot, please remove picture from my previous post, I thought the image would be avatar, not something to be posted. Thanks and sorry!

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