
Copywriter of the week: Juan Fernandez

Sixteen years as a creative in nineteen words.

Juan Profile

Since I was little, Barcelona has always captured my attention. Intuitive.

I did not know much about it, but from my snowy native Leon, I idealized the city that greets the Pyrenees from the shore of the Mediterranean. Romantic.

Whenever the Castellers appeared on TV I would watch them and the elevated profile because of the ’92 Olympics only increased my admiration even more. Mythophile.

When I graduated in Advertising and PR I saw that Club de Creativos de España organized a competition all for internships in the best agencies in the country I did not even have to think about it. Motivated.

I was lucky that they selected me and after working on a couple of non-remunerated assignments, I got a paid position starting a journey that has lasted 16 years and that took me from Proximity to DDB passing through Y & R, Tiempo BBDO, and McCann among others stops. Restless.

Today, my work continues to excite me as much as when I first started in the profession, because I have never stopped thinking or writing. Obsessive.

While movies, songs and a well-told story, in general, led me to specialize in the creation of spots, I think even a humble packaging deserves storytelling interesting enough to raise a smile. Idealistic.

During these years I have learned that you can get excited even by Artificial Intelligence if you know how to find its soul and win awards with big brands if every time you work with them you give them the opportunity to do so. Strong headed.

I also believe that if you do not have an audiovisual culture you will never be able to think of a good banner or post or website and that without music, life is not worth living. Musichead.

I am proud of all my work for Volkswagen and have sent lunch boxes containing their mothers’ food to members of the brain drain abroad for La Cocinera. Dreamer.

At work, I always put creativity ahead of politics, maybe too much. Sincere.

Maybe that’s why the last year and a bit has been such a happy time working as an independent creative. Free.

It is not an easy path to follow with the policies that apply to self-employed workers in Spain, but doing it in the city that I chose to be a copywriter, and to do it as a living, makes up for everything. Barcelonian.

I had an amazing time working in New York one summer thinking about ideas from a skyscraper on Madison Avenue and I loved living in London and Utrecht doing crap jobs that I hope I will never have to do again. Hard-working.

Whenever I’m asked to work in Madrid, I’m as excited as when as a child my parents took me there to the zoo or the amusement park. Humble.

I recognize that I love working with colleagues and agencies from any country, even going to live there. Globetrotter.

I’m passionate about getting into new projects for people I know nothing about, almost as much as repeat work, with people who trust me, over and over. Grateful.

My favourite client for whom I work today is one who has asked me to create a tone of voice for their brand starting from their website, going through their RRSS and I hope that – someday – ending up with their spots. Ambitious.

Meanwhile, I’m still here writing one more time to find the words that hopefully will reach places I never thought they would. Creative.

Firma Pequeña