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Marketing manager It’s a boy!
Full time vacancies
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New marketing manager
I received lots or responses to the marketing manager position and the successful candidate on a one-month trial is Miriam Young. She’s very experienced in Marketing and will be working 30 hours a week on promotional campaigns and client contacting.
It’s a boy
Congratulations to Sandra on the birth of her baby boy Manoa Ziggy!
The Shop
There was a fantastic reaction to the Stutters’ shop. National press and TV coverage. Fans. And even sales. They still have the space until Saturday 4th August when there will be a small closing party. check it out. www.myspace.com/thestutters After that it will be a bit of renovation and counter-building before the shop opens proper. I’ve received a few responses to the offer of exhibition space but more are welcome. And if you have anything fashion-based to sell, such as armbands or gloves, let me know.
Full-time vacancies
AMSTERDAM – A top Amsterdam agency needs a full-time below-the-line copywriter or team for direct mail and the suchlike.
DUBAI – Agency needs young and creatively hungry web designers to work here in Dubai for a few years. Please get in touch with me if you know anyone
If anyone wants to do a mailout we have a Pitney Bowes franking machine that gives cheaper postage costs than regular stamps, and you’re welcome to borrow it at cost price.