
Changing your business (and life) doesn’t have be a leap of faith. A safety net can help!

Sometimes, the idea of becoming a freelance copywriter (or any kind of freelancer for that matter) can feel like standing at the edge of the chasm in Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark. You know the one where he has to do the leap of faith?

Many people talk about quitting their day job with nothing more than their self-belief (and the threat of starvation) to drive them forward.

That approach never appealed to me. 

I’m too cautious and too organised to risk failure just on a lack of planning.

You might have heard me mention how I ditched my marketing day job after working building up my copywriting business in the evenings and on weekends. Sounds straight-forward, doesn’t it? But I did so much more to make my transition a successful one.

In this interview I share the details of how I:

  • Made sure I had the skills I needed to be a copywriter and business owner (while I worked full time)
  • Used opportunities in my day job to practise my new skills
  • Leveraged my existing connections to get my first few jobs
  • Started using social media to build relationships and position myself as an authority
  • Quit my job and landed my first retainer client in one meeting.

Then, once my freelance copywriting business had taken off, I realised the need to refocus my work and life. It led to a second transformation, from a person who gets paid to work on projects to a teacher, coach and mentor with digital products I can sell without requiring ongoing labour.

Each transformation was carefully planned so ensure my income was never compromised.

Each time I jumped out into the chasm, I knew there was a bridge there… because I built it.


If you want to quit your job, listen to this…

“Belinda Weaver offers one of the best examples I have ever heard of someone carefully planning and executing thetransformation from full time employee, to freelancer (paid-by-the-hour or per contract), to independent blogging entrepreneur selling her own teaching products (earning money while she sleeps).” Yaro Starak.


About the author: Belinda Weaver

Belinda Weaver

Belinda Weaver is the founder of Copywrite Matters and copywriter behind The Copy Detective blog. If you want to be the FIRST to hear when her next copywriting master class course (so you can write better copy, faster) get on the master class prelaunch list.

Join me on website of Copyweitmatters

Click here to view the original post by Belinda Weaver

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