
Beauty Copywriting…More Than Just Pretty Words

How many times have you read the words: Gorgeous, Luminous, Effervescent on a beauty product you purchased? These words have become synonymous with beauty related copywriting. When writing for health and beauty, there needs to be more of an understanding of what the products are, more innovative ways to sell the product through print, and who your target audience really is. Here at Copywriter Collective, we are experts.

Product Knowledge

Aloe barbadensis, fragrance, petrolatum, do any of these ingredients ring a bell?  Well they should because they are in many of your body care products. It amazes me that most consumers don’t know what they are putting on their skin. They saw the product packaging and just picked it up. Wouldn’t it be great if your product had nice packaging and gave beneficial information? This is where a beauty copywriter can supply a little “product knowledge.” Tell us why this is great for my skin, what ingredients make it stand out from the others and how long before I see results?

Important for a Beauty Copywriter

As consumers, we love to learn new things about products and how it can benefit us. This really makes a product or brand stand out. Teach us new and inventive ways to use the product. I can’t tell you how many anti wrinkle creams, hydrating serums and shaving creams I have put on my skin. It’s important for a beauty copywriter to have samples so they can experience the product thus giving your audience the same.

I was hired for beauty copywriting and product descriptions for an organic facial wash. I noticed if you kept the facial wash on for a few minutes. The fruit enzymes in the product, really exfoliated the skin. It left my skin looking and feeling smooth with a healthy glow. I even shaved with the facial wash and it prevented me from getting razor bumps.

Looking for a Freelance Beauty Copywriter?
Here a list in our copywriting agency for freelance beauty copywriters.

Video Example

Check out the video below to see how EFFECTIVE Natural Body Care Product Review

The client had no idea about these benefits. By thinking of innovative ways to use the product we actually decided to make the exfoliating properties one of the products selling points and discovered a whole new target market in the process.

Finding your target market is the most important aspect of selling a beauty product. Here are a few questions I ask my clients about their customer:

-Their age and gender

-Income level


-Most pressing issue or problem

I want to have a better understanding of who the customer is. Knowing your customer is a great way to ensure success in any marketing campaign.

For example, if I know the product is a skin exfoliant for the active, middle aged married man(45-55). This man has a yearly salary of 75-100,000 and is starting to see the first signs of ageing. I could write a tag line such as: “Who says you can’t look as good as you did in your twenties? With every wash, X-skin exfoliant takes years off your skin to reveal the face your wife fell in love with.” Creating a buyer profile is so important and can help with developing your product and sales.

As you see beauty copywriting is more in-depth than just a few pretty words on a package. An experience beauty copywriter can ensure success to any marketing campaign.

Suffering from a beauty product sales slump?  Request Mike Jones through Copywriter Collective and reinvent your brand.

About the Author


Michael Jones, dedicates his work to assist others in reaching their goals. After graduating from Georgia State University with a Bachelor Degree in Public Relations/ Marketing with a minor in Hospitality. Michael took a trip to Europe that changed his life. He was introduced to Wellness. Michael made future trips to study the European way of Wellness.

He left his lucrative corporate career in Hospitality Marketing and started his own Natural Health business specialising in Massage Therapy, Health Education and Natural Health Promotion.  His background in Marketing and passion to assist others has propelled his clients businesses to new levels. Michael has worked with countless Natural Health companies, Hotel and Spa and authored the ebook Small Steps Make a Big Change: A Step by Step Guide to Getting Healthy.

Michael Jones is a Business Coach for Natural Health Professionals. Schedule a consultation so you can see how Michael can transform your business.


2 replies
  1. Richard Mann
    Richard Mann says:

    Thanks for this timely article. Timely because my sister has been making and selling specialty soaps for the last 7 months, trying to market them on her website. Timely because just last night I began writing copy for her line of soaps.

    There’s an absolutely critical message here – getting out your shovel and digging for the deepest benefits you can gather about the various features of the product. That means research, and Michael did his.

    That was the nugget I was struck by. It made me feel that I wasn’t just buying a ‘really nice’ sounding beauty enhancer, but rather a useful and healthy product that could solve problems I never thought could be solved. Just think of all the products at your local store which list features and ingredients. A handful of them communicate some benefits, but size and packaging limit the availability of words one can use.

    The video made me feel I could like and trust Michael, so his words were credible. I do, however, have 2 comments to make
    1. The name and the packaging lead me to believe this product is for blacks. I would change both, even though after looking into it, there’s no such implication. Were I writing for this, I would bring it to the client’s attention, and if no change were to be made, I’d be sure to get the message across that it’s for ANYONE.
    2. Obviously the tagline is a very rough draft, even though it evokes the elements of youth, appearance, health, and even hints at romance…. I wonder what Michael’s headline would look like.

  2. Debra
    Debra says:

    I Agree with Richard on two counts.

    1. Michael is really easy going and trustworthy so he does feel really credible.
    2. The packaging, as a Designer my advice would be to Play up he name of the product and the benefits. SHEA MOISTURE,
    For blemished and troubled skin. And then introduce the African Black soap ingredient.

    I’ve never heard of African Black Soap and would love to know more about it. Where does it come from, when was it discovered, how can it be used, why is it especially good for blemished skin, what exactly are the healing qualities. etc
    That would make the presentation more compelling.

    thanks Michael

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