6 Features of B2B Copywriting

Selling goods or services online through copywriting has never been so challenging. According to research, modern Internet users have an even lower attention span than a goldfish, thus, attracting and holding their attention becomes even more difficult in the world of informational noise. However, what if your goal is to grab the attention of an entire group of users and get them to make a decision in your favour? This is just what B2B copywriting deals with, and in this article, we are going to take a look at the specifics surrounding B2B copywriting and how to get things converting.

Top 6 B2B Copywriting Features Content Writers and Business Owners Should Know

What’s so special about B2B marketing and B2C copywriting? In fact, there are a lot of specific things that may affect the conversion rate. Below you will find 7 main points that show both the essence of B2B copywriting and the way it differs from B2C.

Customer Motivation

The first feature to start with is defining B2B customers and finding their motivation. You probably know that B2B stands for business-to-business.

  • So, let’s start with B2B clients. They are not an ordinary consumer, representing an entire company or organization. Thus, your copy is going to speak with the whole group of decision-makers and you should find ways to attract each of them.
  • Before you start writing, you should find out what are the key aspects of your target customers (companies) and find a path that relates to them.
  • The clearways your product or service may solve problems should be at the core of your piece of writing. B2B customers always want to know how your offer will affect the business and what values and benefits they may expect from you.
  • In your B2B piece of writing, you should clearly demonstrate the advantages of your product or service and present it as a leader of the industry.

Product Details and Expected Results Metrics

It is important to understand that a B2B consumer needs a more detailed description of a product or service than a B2C consumer. This is because B2B products must satisfy business needs, so the consumer must have a clear understanding of what they will get for their business. Therefore, it will be difficult to do without statistics.

Compared to the structure of the text for B2C, here the structure of the text should have a deeper explanation of the product that can give the client a clear understanding of how it will affect the business. It is important not only to provide details of the product or service but also to provide an explanation of how and why this service can be used to gain a business advantage. Statistics, metrics, and analysis will be a useful guide that proves your product/service works in practice.

Product/Service Visualization

As mentioned above, a B2B client needs not only a clear but also a detailed picture of both the service and the way it will affect a business. Here, each company chooses its own style of delivering such information, taking the sales funnel stage into account.

For example, infographics will be a good addition to the previous point, so as not to overload the client with details, not to mention all the important features of a product or service, visualize its individuality and highlight the expected results for the business. Also, infographics are good for SEO promotion so it always makes sense to complement your SEO-optimized B2B copywriting with compelling infographics.

Using videos as a part of B2B marketing strategy is also effective according to 71% of B2B marketers who employ this tool for their business promotion.

Tone of Voice

The use of emotions in B2C texts is the classical approach. What’s more, it is believed that B2B copywriting shouldn’t be emotion-driven. However, having little to no emotional content in your B2B copy may result in a dry text that will look like instructions for setting up a smartphone. So, you should find the harmony between emotions and a cold mind.

Emotions can and should be used in your B2B content, but it should all be more restrained. The main thing is to develop the tone of voice that will reflect your brand values and sound compelling to your potential customers.

P.S. If you hire the Best Writers Online on the  Writing Judge custom writing services reviews platform to create B2B content for you, provide them with your brand style guide. As a rule, it reflects the values, mission, and personality of your brand while your tone of voice is an essential part of your brand’s identity. Having a brand style guide, it will be easier for your writers to create branded content published on different platforms while adhering to your tone of voice and promoting your values.

Sales Funnel Stage

Another feature of B2B copywriting is that it is necessary to create texts taking into account the sales funnel and its stages. Surely, it matters for B2C copywriting as well, but in the B2B segment, the sales cycle is much longer than in B2C. This fact is explained by the decision-making process. In B2C, a purchase decision is usually made by one person driven by want or need for a service or product.

In B2B, the decision-making process is much longer, since a team or a whole company will take part in the discussion, competitors, and market prices analysis, and evaluation of the expected results. But how can all this be applied to copywriting?

The main task is to take the sales funnel stage into account while writing each piece of your B2B copy. For example, if you are introducing your product or service to the customer for the first time, it makes sense to offer them something for free, for example, download your research or case study. Then, you should proceed and stay productive with email marketing paying special attention to your letters’ chain and calls to action you are using in each.

For example, CTAs such as ‘order now’ can work well in B2C but may make B2B customers feel pressured. It is important not to rush your consumer, but to provide him with information that will lead him to purchase step by step. As for the CTA, you should use ‘learn more’ or ‘seek consultation now’ at the first stages of your communication.

Information Flow

The last feature of B2B copywriting is a simple and understandable presentation of information that you want to convey to your consumer. It is important to remember that the decision regarding the purchase of your product or service will be made collectively, which means that all conditions must be created so that no one has any follow-up questions.

Structure all of your copy, use attractive headlines and keep your content simple but not devoid of professional vocabulary. If you are in doubt about your content, it will be effective to revise and proofread your material with the naked eye. For instance, you can find an editor on the Online Writers Rating custom writing reviews website to get an assessment of your text or suggestions for optimization.

The Final Verdict

As you can see, B2B copywriting has many similar features to B2C copywriting as well as a few different ones. To create content that will work, the main thing is to always remember who your target client is and how you can help them. Such a clear vector will allow you to start in the right direction and prepare content that will capture B2B customers from the first word.

Continue Reading: 15 Ideas you can steal from copywriting experts

About the Author

Anna likes writing from her university years. When she graduated from the Interpreters Department, she realized that translation was not so interesting, as writing was. She trains her skills now working as a freelance writer on different topics. Always she does her best in the posts and articles.