7 Killer Tips for Students to Improve Copywriting Skills Swiftly

Copywriting is in the spotlight these days. With the pandemic’s rapid spike, many people decided to switch to the digital world and start providing content for various businesses and web pages. The craft’s primary purpose is to bond with the reader, describe the product, and help the person buy it without further hesitation. Indeed, marketing material plays a significant role in today’s business world. It speeds up sales, elevating the business to the next level. Since the market keeps enlarging, and the demand keeps growing, competent copywriters are sought-after. With the following tips on how to improve your copywriting skills, you can increase the chances of getting a stable flow of orders.

Learn Through Reading

Reading is a must if you want to gain excellent copywriting abilities. Make sure to read various blogs to see how the language works and how copywriters use it to convey the main message. When reading, pay close attention to grammar and lexicon. Analyze the way the writer builds the text. Ask yourself, is it written well? As a reader and potential buyer, would you purchase the product or use the company’s services? If not, what would you change in the text to make it more persuasive?

As you can see, there are many questions to pose, so make sure to work out each and every scenario to make sure you analyze the text entirely. Being able to wear clients’ shoes will help you produce compelling and sellable texts.

Make Drills Your Routine

Scrutinizing various works is necessary, indeed. And so is regular practising. Without scheduled writing, you are likely to fall short quickly. If you want to stand out with your texts, you have to dedicate plenty of time to drills. We all know that practice makes perfect. And this saying applies to copywriting.

If you want to go far in your career, make sure to write every single day. Writing several days weekly because of a tight schedule in academia won’t bring any outcomes. This writing service confirms that constant practices help to learn the copywriting ropes. With the daily approach to writing, you will see the results in the near future.

So how to practice, you may ask. Copywriting is a vast niche that covers millions of topics. The answer is, start from the easiest. Analyze what you have a knack for. If it is taking photos, try writing an article about the best photo cameras. Keep the main question in mind. Why does the reader need to buy this camera, and what does he want to read about it?

First texts will probably be shallow and raw, so don’t worry about that. By practising, you will be able to spark the audience’s attention and make your text informative and appealing. Moreover, you will manage to deliver great content in fewer words, which is great because people prefer to read condensed blogs in several minutes than spend lots of time reading long reads.

Go Easy On Grammar

You have to attend formal grammar classes when you are a student. Professors emphasize the importance of complex grammar, explaining that it is vital to know all those cleft sentences, fronting, and inversions. It goes without saying that grammar is essential for daily communication. But hey. You don’t write articles for the academic community. What’s the point of writing hard-to-follow texts if you want to describe a product and help the reader decide whether it is useful for them?

Of course, it doesn’t mean you have to ignore grammar and write incorrect sentences. But you have to realize that beauty is in simplicity. Making sentences simpler and shorter will make you better off (unless you actually write for the scholarly community). Use contractions, eliminate the filler words and phrases. Finally, do away with the passive voice that is common in academic journals and articles. Allow your readers to walk through your text quickly. A good student will tell themselves, ‘do my homework and learn unique solutions to improve my writing skills.’

Be Yourself

There are millions of skilful copywriters that produce fascinating texts. They all have a unique approach to tasks. And so should you. Trying to write the same texts will result in low quality. A poor imitation is the worst thing one can experience in copywriting. Learn to live with your style. Try to sharpen your writing skills every single day.

If you like using exclusive and rare words, so be it. You can add them to every copy so that readers will recognize you. An extra tip: when starting to write copies, ask your friends to give you feedback regarding the style. If you work freelance, ask your customers to provide you with some notes concerning your writing. Getting familiar with such notes, taking them into account, and practising will help you hone your abilities and make you a more desirable writer in the long run.

Learn To Edit Your Works

Editing personal works is a pure craft. Not only is it hard to remain objective and attentive, but it also may be a time-consuming process. However, editing is an integral part of writing, and the more ruthless you are when analyzing your paper, the more refined it will end up. If you have time, you may leave your written copy aside and return to it after some time. Refreshing your mind will help you glance at your work from a different angle and ensure its ultimate quality.

Editing can take much more time than writing. When a flash of inspiration strikes and the words begin to flow, you can quickly and easily fill pages with content. But when you start editing the piece, you may find it a bit harder to read, or the opening and closing sentences are not as compelling as you expected them to be. What was persuasive during the writing stage might be weak within the editing. Don’t be afraid to invest time in perfecting your copy to make it glint.

Make Use Of Tools

Humanity has taken a large step ahead when it comes to technology. There are many improvements in different fields. Hardly ever could people living in the previous century believe that they would get rid of long-lasting handwriting and start spawning words using phones, laptops, and computers. With the development of such devices, other handy tools popped up. And you, as a copywriter, can’t abstain from using them. They are:

  •       Grammarly
  •       OneLook
  •       Hemingway Editor

Using them is as easy as pie. But the results will be outstanding. Grammarly ensures your content is clean from grammatical, lexical, and punctuation mistakes. It is the best spell checker in the market. Grammarly is freemium, so you can try it—if you haven’t yet—without paying a dime at any time.

We all know what Thesaurus is. OneLook is this dictionary of synonyms but on steroids! The tool was created by Thesaurus creators, so you can be sure it is credible and accurate. OneLook provides you with synonyms, definitions, and model sentences to see how the word fits the context. All in one! Of course, the tool is entirely free.

Every old hand copywriter knows about Hemingway Editor. Aiming to make your document bold and perfect, it checks your text’s overall readability and suggests you replace or erase highlighted words. Additionally, the tool highlights the use of passive voice and, most importantly, unnecessary adverbs, encouraging you to delete them. It is free to use.


Entering the copywriting industry is an excellent idea that will pay off shortly. However, it may be hard to become a competent and lucrative copywriter with the wrong approach. Unknowing what to focus on to generate appealing copies will result in low-quality content. Luckily, the mentioned are classic advice to make you succeed soon after the start.


About The Author

Joseph Wright is a prolific copywriter specializing in various topics. Joseph has recently obtained a second M.A. degree in Business and Marketing at the University of Edinburgh. He has been working as a freelance writer for the past five years, producing top-most content for different corporations and improving their sales.