
5 documentaries to love (or hate) marketing & advertising

Before the arrival of the famous TV series “Mad Men”, there were movies in which the main character worked in an advertising agency. Every time I would watch those types of movies like “What Men Want” or “Sweet November” with characters developing concepts, and pitching creative ideas I would think “That´s what I want to do.”

Certainly, not everything is as easy as it seems in the movies. The process to execute an idea can take long, be exhausting, and frustrating but when everything comes together it is magical.

Even though I love this sometimes confusing world that has polluted our minds with coupons, contests, logos, ads until making us feel overwhelmed by its reach through all possible online and offline channels, there has been great work done causing a positive impact in all of us.

I understand that it is an industry very easy to hate. During the last decades, people have become more aware of the messages sent by brands, and trust and engagement have been elements very hard to keep.

As one of my boss in Marketing said to me once: “Marketing is half truth, half bullshit” (Don´t tell him I told you that haha).

When communication is based on just selling a product or service rather than addressing your need, and reaching your soul, there is an opportunity lost to show that marketing & advertising can make incredible stuff.

I would like to share 5 documentaries to make you love (or hate) marketing & advertising. You be the judge.

Just push play!

     ART & COPY. Released in 2009, Art & Copy introduces you to the most important creatives still alive that were part of the boom of advertising in the 1950s as well as the ones making a difference later on. From the real “Mad Man”, George Lois, to the mother of modern advertising, Phyllis Robinson, they share their stories of how they started, their lows and ups, and their “EUREKA” moments behind the creation of amazing work such as “Got Milk?”, “Just Do It”, and “1984”. If you love this industry you will not take a smile out of your face while watching this film.

     THE PERSUADERS. This documentary addresses how the industry is saturated and have turned the life of the consumers and the advertisers overwhelmed. In a world where advertising is all around us, how can the manufacturers find a way to catch people´s attention without being shadowed by the clutter. The journalist Douglas Rushkoff leads us through several business cases to figure out what´s behind this battle for consumer´s top of mind. The Persuaders was released in 2004 but most of what is shown is still in use today which makes you reflect on how much have the industry really evolved.

     THE STORY OF CONTENT: RISE OF THE NEW MARKETING. Some things have actually changed in the world of marketing and advertising. Mainly, driven by the evolution of technology that have opened the doors to new media channels. This documentary created by the Content Marketing Institute in 2015 takes you into a journey where rules are changing, and strategies are adapting to consumers demanding more than just for an informative ad. They want content through storytelling, interaction, and innovative ways of communication. Brands such as Red-Bull, Blendtec as well as entrepreneurs share their process to create new marketing strategies adapted to a digital world.

Here at Copywriter Collective, we understand that knowledge is key in Marketing. That’s why we have curated a supreme network of copywriters and creatives in Marketing. All ready and waiting to start on your project.

     POM WONDERFUL PRESENTS: THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER SOLD. OMG! It doesn’t get more intrusive than this! Morgan Spurlock, the director of the famous documentary “Super Size Me” addresses product placement in the most radical way there is. He approaches brands and agencies in order to pitch his idea about creating a movie called “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold” in which product placement will be done during the whole filming. This funny documentary released in 2011 takes you through the making of the actual movie in which step by step you start watching the brands advertised that he convinced to participate.

     PROJECT #LIVE. This documentary was created by Twitter in 2014 and talks about the evolution of interaction between the consumers and brands through this media channel. The importance of following trends, and the actions taken by brands to join a conversation generated by users are the main subjects of this film. It takes you through several online campaigns taking actions also offline in order to create an integrated marketing strategy. In addition, it shows the results and the impact of these decisions.

About the author: 

silkhe - profile picSilkhe: She’s been living brand stories from two dark sides. From the client´s vision to the advertising agency´s perspective. Even though the force is strong in each of them both have given her the skills to discover myself. She specializes in Marketing Strategy & Copywriting with some design skills.