
15 Blogs for Freelance Copywriters to Run to When They Need Answers

If you asked freelance copywriters, even some new ones, to name the blogs that give them the most value in terms of their freelance professions, they’d probably name the blogs of the usual suspects: Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, Brian Clark, Brian Solis, Ann Handley, Darren Rowse  . . . You know –  some of the most influential marketing professionals on the Internet.  And I should know, because I follow all of them and then some!  And, to be perfectly candid, I highly recommend you read those guys as well.

But I also want to let you in on a little secret: THEY ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES OUT THERE who can provide extremely valuable information on blogs for freelance copywriters.

While perusing, I discovered 15 different blogs, all of which I visited before adding them to this list. These blogs all offer resources that freelance copywriters need and are usually looking for – tips, job information, advice, freebies, news, you name it. They also offer stuff you don’t even know you need, but you’ll be glad you found out.

Oh, wait, you don’t know about  Oh, well, you’re in for a real treat. Simply put, you know how you wish you had everything you need to know located all in one place. That’s Alltop.  Alltop aggregates and organizes content on EVERY subject imaginable from the leading blogs and websites around the Internet that cover that topic. Their subjects run from adoption to zoology with photographs, food, science, religion, celebrities, fashion, gaming, sports, politics, automobiles, Macintosh and hundreds of other subjects in-between and beyond.  Want to know what’s happening in North Korea?  Yes, I said “North,” not “South.”  Alltop’s got that too.  Who knew!

Now for that list of blogs that freelance copywriters need to add to their feeds or at least check out regularly to keep abreast of their professions:


2-Escape from Cubicle Nation

3-Freelance Folder

4-Men With Pens

5-Writing Bids

6-Word Count – Michelle Rafter

7-Quips and Tips for Successful Writers

8-All  Freelance Writing

9-The Freelancery

10-The Social Freelance Writer

11-Dr. Freelance

12-Profitable Freelancing

13-Guerilla Freelancing

14-Ajeva Freelance!

I recommend creating a myalltop – your own personal magazine rack of your favorite blogs and sites. The beauty of Alltop for copywriters is that, not only will you always have quick access to all the freelance-related resources you need, but you’ll know what’s happening in an array of subjects any time you need to know it.  Copywriters must be well-read and stay on top of what’s happening in so many areas in order to continually come up with compelling ads and brand messages and be able to write in a variety of styles. Alltop makes that achievable, giving you the writings dispensed by leaders of every industry at your finger tips without you having to do any extensive searching.

How’s that for convenience?


About the author: Stacey Mathis


Stacey Mathis is a professional copywriter and the founder of Stacey Mathis Copywriting. Stacey Mathis Copywriting is a copywriting and content marketing writing business designed to help companies and organizations that are striving to increase market-share by pre-emptively distinguishing themselves and their goods and/or services from their competition. Our team writes or edits marketing material that companies and organizations use to increase brand awareness, promote their establishments, products and/or services. This includes brochures, websites, landing pages, press releases, articles, radio scripts, flyers, conference handouts, business letters, sales letters, trade show collateral, linkedin profiles and posts for Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, blogs, and other social media platforms. Stacey has worked with many grateful clients who have left wonderful and heartwarming reviews on her website:

This article was first published by Stacey Mathis