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Opening drinks

The Internationalists strike again

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Opening drinks – 31st May

Moving is hell. We’ve got almost everything set-up now but we still have to paint the stairs and 100 other things. We hope to be ready by the end of the month so we can have drinks on Thursday 31st May. It’s an informal but open borrel so bring some friends along. We’ll have a proper official opening next month when we have time to send out some invitations.

New cartoon

Another new cartoon from Fraser Bailey, Craig Lovelidge and Janneke Huijnk. It will air in Adformatie soon. We’re taking a break for the summer with the ads, as circulation goes way down. Watch this space for more adventures in the autumn.
Dubai vacancies

A large and leading agency in Dubai is looking for five new people. Interviews will be conducted in London 17th-19th March. They need a CD, Senior Team, Head of Activation and a Senior Writer. Award-winning only. If you’re interested or know someone who is, please contact
Job vacancy
Supplementary to the newsletter, we’re also looking for another agent to come and work at The Collective.
It’s an interesting and social job going round agencies, networking, meeting freelancers, handling jobs, etc. The ideal person would be an ex-traffic manager or agency creative recruiter. Dutch-speaking – Amsterdam-based. If someone springs to mind please get in touch with
Collective whisky tasting – Friday June 8th
The Collective is organizing a very exclusive whisky tasting!

Cadenhead is Scotland’s oldest independent whisky bottler. They haunt the world and select the finest casks from the greatest distilleries. This means you get the best barrels from the best distilleries. All single casks.

Together with them we have organized a whisky tasting where we get to meet whiskies from unexpected places. We all know about Scottish whisky, but many countries all over the world produce some really good stuff. Countries such as New Zealand, Japan and Canada make excellent whisky. During this tasting we get to meet some exciting new whiskies from all over the world.

The date is Friday June 8, starting at 7:30 pm. Halfway through this entertaining evening there will be a little snack. We have arranged a special price for members of The Collective (and friends, do invite them!): 22,50 euro. Location is in their shop, Rozengracht 232, just around the corner of the fire brigade.
Please let me know if you want to be there, as they have to reserve enough whisky for everybody.
Also, the end-of-month drinks are still on this time next week in the new place. 5.30pm – Thursday 31st May.

Friday 15th June 17.30 Cobra Museum Amstelveen
It includes a delicious Mediterranean buffet

End-of-month drinks - Friday 29th June

For those of you that are hungry for more after Saturday’s party or if you missed it and want to make amends, you are cordially invited to the Collective end-of-month drinks on Friday from 5pm until 7pm – Vijzelstraat 67.
And for those truly insatiable party animals – the night continues at the last Payday party ever – 10pm to 5am – Warmoestraat 121.
Website hits


You can read other news items and keep up-to-date with the goings on via our blog The Collective Europe blog