
How to Write a Follow-up Email That’s All Class & No Cheese

Awkward follow up emails. If you network regularly, you’ve probably received a few of these missives. Maybe you’ve even sent one or two (shh).

But it’s really important to put some thought into how you communicate with new contacts.

Because no matter how pleasant that chinwag was over the chardonnay and canapés, you’ve got to keep things classy if you want to build relationships. Remember this is not a numbers game.

Here are a few examples of how not to do it.

It was really great to meet you last night. Can I add you to my database?

{Email blast} Good morning. Is 2013 going to be your best year ever? Make sure it is by signing up for my workshop/course/service.

A linked in invitation with no personal note followed by intensive email spamming.

Do you want to come to my weekly business networking/marketing meeting as my guest this week? I’m sure you’ll get lots of referrals.

We should meet for coffee. I need to pick your brain about X.

The reason these requests don’t meet with warm and fuzzy responses?

They all ask for something. Without so much as a quid pro quo.

How rude.  

People in the business community are unerringly generous but like everyone else, they have limited time and energy.

I propose putting an end to this rash style of communication. Just because you can send an email in a couple of minutes doesn’t mean you should.

emailInstead of asking your new contact for something that will benefit you, why not try asking how you can help them?

Expect the results to be dramatically mind-blowingly different.   

If you spent time discussing a problem, you could present a specific solution. Not sure how you can help? You could still try something like this.

Hi <lovelypersonIjustmet>

It was great to meet you at last night’s event. I hope to see you at more of them.

I’ve had a comb through your blog posts and I have to say that post you wrote about <insert name> really resonated. I found your honesty really refreshing and you made me think more about how I should approach <insert topic>.

I’m a firm believer that us entrepreneurial types should stick together and help each other out wherever possible, so if there’s anything I can do to support you or your business, please let me know.

What do you say to organising a caffeinated Skype session or meeting sometime over the next few weeks?

Does that feel better to you?

Even if it doesn’t have the desired effect, at least you’ll have amazing karma:-)


About the author: Denise Mooney


Hi, I’m Denise. I’m a writer, Irish expat and mum to one little boy. I blog at www.denisemooney.com.au about how to write and communicate with more confidence and ease. I love sharing ideas and life lessons. I’m also partial to strong coffee, 90s music and blueberry muffins.

Join me on denisemooney.com.au

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