
Goal setting relevance in the online world

It is not the first time that I heard the magic words whilst listening to audio programmes in my car: ‘Goal setting is the first step towards achieving success’.

Well-known speakers like Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Joel Osteen, Jack Canfield and more, emphasise on this factor over and over again.

So what does that has to do with you?

Whilst preparing for your marketing campaign online, it is important to plan well by setting your goals right.

The main question you have to ask is:

What do you intend to achieve from your marketing strategy?

Do you want to:

  • Make a sale?
  • Create more awareness about your firm?
  • Get more subscribers to your newsletters?
  • Spread the news about your new product or service?

digital ballBefore starting your marketing campaign, sit down and write down your main goal.

It is surprising how many firms fail to do this. It is not the first time that I receive calls or emails requesting an SEO strategy for their products/services in Malta or internationally, but without any clear vision of why they want this.

Planning your goals from beforehand gives you the guidance you need towards achieving your desired business success in the internet world.

Is it confusing?

Well, goal setting can be difficult in the beginning. You might have so many goals in mind that you do not know where to start.

There is no need to panic in such circumstances. Grab a piece of paper and start writing any target that comes to mind. When you finish, ask yourself. Which one of these goals is the most important for my firm’s success? There will always be that one goal which surpasses the rest.

That doesn’t mean that the other points you wrote are irrelevant. It just shows you that they may be put on a lower priority until your main goal is achieved.

Take it one step at a time

At Power Your Words we have helped our clients several times to plan their strategy one step at a time. It is impossible to reach your goal at once. Like anything else, you need patience and hard-work to achieve your targets… and we are always here to help.


About the author: Luca Caruana

As the firm’s founder and SEO Copywriter, Luca assists firms to make their websites more attractive through search engine optimisation, which not only attracts visitors, but also converts them into clients. Luca also enhances his clients’ online presence through an effective SEO strategy and Social Media Marketing. For more information click on ebavs.net

1 reply
  1. Neil
    Neil says:

    To really see success in your life and online business you must become a master of goal setting and getting. Those who succeed do so because they took the time to make a plan, and stuck with it until it was complete. If you can commit to mastering this process, you will likely discover just how close you are to achieving your goals and dreams.

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