Many businesses can benefit from hiring a freelance copywriter.
You might think the only people who really need to hire copywriters would be advertising agencies. At least, that’s where you see them show up on the TV shows (think Mad Men…)
And publishers tend to hire copywriters to sell newsletter subscriptions. Most popular are the investment and alternate health fields. But there are others as well. In this market, a good copywriter is worth their weight in gold.
But surprisingly enough many businesses can benefit from hiring a freelance copywriter.
For instance, think about the amount of marketing materials banks, insurance companies, manufacturers and other non-traditonal businesses need to produce to get their message out in the world. Do you think the CEO has time to sit down and write all that material – or does the marketing department have a competent copywriter either on staff or on their speed dial?
And that’s only the tip of the iceberg…
Own a business? Have you ever sweated over what to put on your rack card, trifold brochure or even just a sell sheet? Yeah, suddenly having someone you can count on to put the right words in the right place is really important, right?
Want to get some traction for your new software product? You know, the one that would change the course of mankind – if only people could grasp the complexity of it. Well, copywriters are the best at taking complex ideas and making them easy to understand.
And the best ones go a step further and turn those easy to understand ideas into sales.
All through the power of the written word.
What about video? You’ve heard a great video posted on the web can drive both visitors to your website and sales of your product/service. But for a video to be great, it has to be persuasive. Nobody is going to sit through 27 minutes of a talking head droning on about the features of your product.
Hiring a copywriter to craft your video message is a cost-effective use of resources.
Viewers need to be ENGAGED. Their EMOTIONS need to be activated. They need a REASON to continue sitting through your presentation. (And let me tell you, 27 minutes of features just doesn’t do it.) That’s where copywriting shines. Engaging people, activating their emotions and persuading them to watch the entire presentation so they have the information they need to make a buying decision.
So, really… the question shouldn’t be who hires copywriters? The real question is WHEN are you going to hire one?
About the Author
Russ Banister first fell in love with Direct Response Copywriting while reading the back pages of the comic books that he used to buy for long summer vacation trips.
After a successful career in sales, Russ happened upon a program which helped him understand all the deep, dark secrets that make copywriting so powerful. He was hooked.
Since 2007, he’s been an in-house copywriter for two years (too restrictive) and a full-time freelancer since 2009.
While the in-house gig was highly educational, Russ has been honing his skills for clients which include Agora Publishing, Oxford Club, Lombardi Publishing, Men’s Psychology and hundreds of other businesses both local and international.
Aside from traditional direct response copywriting, Russ has ghostwritten several books in various niches for others.