
Copy You Wish You Wrote

Do you ever see a piece of copy and you think to yourself, ‘Damn, I wish I wrote that’?

IKEA – Tomorrow Starts Tonight

Copywriting is all about twisting meaning in clever ways, and IKEA absolutely nails it with their Tomorrow Starts Tonight campaign. This is home furnishing meets marketing strategy at its finest.

They take language you’d expect from an anti-aging cream, “The most natural anti-aging remedy”, and apply it to, of all things, sleep. No pricey serums, no magic potions, just a good old-fashioned night’s rest. It’s product services messaging with a knowing wink.

But the IKEA marketing team doesn’t stop there. Oh no, they lean all the way in, poking fun at fad products like energy drinks with lines like “Sleep boosts your energy” and “Sleep naturally supplements focus and memory.” (Insert drool emoji here.) By flipping the script on digital marketing norms, they turn something as simple as a bed into an aspirational lifestyle choice for their target audience.

Oatly – Ice Cream

This one has layers to it and once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

ice-cream-oatly-copy-you-wish-you-wrote-copywriter-collectiveOatly’s advertising campaigns always have a rebellious streak. This one is truly genius. Instead of just selling ice cream, they turn their potential customers into co-conspirators. Buying Oatly isn’t just a treat. It’s a movement.

Picture this: A group of very serious EU officials in suits, gathered in a dimly lit room, passionately debating the most pressing issue of our time—oat milk. Gasp! Sorry, we mean… “oat drink.” Because thanks to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, words like “milk,” “cheese,” “butter,” and “ice cream” are now the exclusive property of our dairy-producing friends.

So how does Oatly get around it? With one of the smartest marketing moves ever. Their copy lets them say “ice cream” without actually saying it. Dodging legal hot water while giving their audience an inside joke to be in on.

Read This – If you want to take Photographs

copy-you-wish-you-wrote-copywriter-collectiveThis one’s so obvious, it’ll keep you up at night. It’s literally the book’s title. No frills. No double entendre. No clever rule of threes. Just pure, straight-to-the-point efficiency. First, it qualifies its audience: people who want to improve their photography. Then, it promises a clear outcome: they’ll take great photos. And finally, the CTA is baked right into the title. No guessing, no fluff. Just Read This.

It’s proof that sometimes, the best way to capture attention isn’t with flashy advertising campaigns or elaborate digital marketing tactics. Sometimes, all you need is clarity. Because when you know exactly who your target audience is, the smartest move is speaking to them directly.

Do you need a copywriter who can write witty copy for your marketing campaign? Contact Copywriter Collective today!

Great copywriting doesn’t just sell a product, it reshapes how a consumer thinks. It’s the kind of thing that makes other copywriters mutter, ‘Damn, I wish I wrote that’.