Copywriting Skills

Read about the posts about the category Copywriting Skills of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective


3 Keys to Writing Love-Based Copy

If you’re like most conscious, heart-centered entrepreneurs, experts, healers, coaches, speakers and authors, you probably have a love-hate relationship with direct response copy (which is copy pieces like emails and online sales letters that…

10 Ways to Create an Effective Call to Action

What exactly is a Call to Action? You may have heard it called by its acronym, CTA. No matter what you call it, your CTA is exactly what it implies, a specific and actionable direction given to your reader. Therefore, their purpose is to become…

Copywriting Resources for the Busy Business Owner

Copywriting is a combination of art and science that takes years to master – and even then, good copywriters are always learning.  But sometimes there isn’t time to have a copywriter create your words, or even review what you’ve written. …

If You Have a Great Brand, Do You Still Need Copywriting?

Hey there friend,I've had this discussion a few times lately, and I wanted to bring the results to you. "Do I really need copywriting when I have a great brand?" I certainly understand where this comes from.When you have a great brand,…

Three Copywriting Clicks to Move Prospects from Fear to Trust

One of the most common mistakes made by marketing strategists is an overriding focus on product features in their advertising messages. Strange as it may seem, it’s not really your “product”, the prospect is after. What your prospect is…

Copywriting: 40 emotional drivers to enhance your content

Copywriting is hard. Especially if you have been assigned the task of writing about something you have no interest in and no knowledge of. Fortunately copywriters have been in that position for decades and have created shortcuts and tools to…

Message in a bottle

Let’s face it, there are some creative thinkers out there and I'm a big fan of clever twists and plays on words, especially for media and marketing messages.Take the short, sharp statement above (spotted on the IFL Science Facebook page).…

3 ways to handle feedback on your copywriting

When you work in a creative role much of what you do comes from the heart. After all, that is where the creative spark comes from. This makes our work incredibly satisfying but can also be the reason we creative folk get a reputation for being…

9 Simple Ways to EARN More by BEING More than “Just a Copywriter”

If you're a freelance copywriter who feels like you're EARNING PLENTY, who's NEVER QUESTIONED YOUR WORTH during projects driven by mid- to upper-level (non-writer) executives, and/or who has COMPLETE CONFIDENCE in the value you bring to your…

Copywriting & The Language Of Friendships

"The language of friendships is not words but meanings" (Thoreau) If you're launching a product or service think about the terminology and copy that you're using in your marketing. Words have meanings and there are cultural meanings associated…

My top 15 copywriting gripes

If a key goal of copywriting is to convey meaning quickly, then it’s important to write with clarity. Mistakes and ambiguity slow the reader down. Here are 15 copywriting issues that I see often.English grammar can be an amazingly divisive…

Content Marketing: The 40-25-35 Formula for Effective Writing

Even though there are big rewards from content marketing for new business, it is also a huge challenge. Content marketing is proving to be beneficial for gaining a positioning of expertise and thought leadership. It also is the magnet for generating…