Tag Archive for: Covid-19

Are you a parent working from home? How do you manage your work-life balance?
Copywriting Skills Work Habits2020 brought an unpleasant surprise for all of us: Covid-19. Because of this pandemic, everyone and everything had to make reforms to protect ourselves and our families. One significant change that this Covid-era brought was 'Work-from-home.'There…

Creative tactics to get more followers on Instagram
Copywriting Skills Social MediaInstagram is a prominent social media platform that has seen a profound expansion, particularly since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. It has served as a media to connect people through pictures, videos, stories, and much more. Brands have…

Are you a parent working from home? How do you manage your life-work balance?
Copywriting Skills Work HabitsBalancing family with work is a lot trickier than some might think. Work and family, both are important factors that sometimes can take a lot of toll on a freelancer. But not only freelancers do work from home, but it can also be a full-time…

Translators can still help expand your business in troubled times
NewsIt may seem premature to talk about expanding your business at a time when much of the world’s economic system has been severely hampered by the spread of Covid-19. Some businesses may never survive. Many have taken a direct hit and others…

5 Ways to build your digital presence during COVID-19
Copywriting Skills Marketing & PRSocial media and internet use was already prevalent before coronavirus. The global coronavirus lockdown only increased the time people spend on their computers and smartphones. Mobile app downloads and usage has skyrocketed throughout 2020 as…

Challenges of being a freelancer amidst the pandemic
Copywriting Skills Freelancing2020 is a year filled with all kinds of challenges. Hurricanes aside, COVID-19 has proven to be one challenging pandemic, not only for full-time employees but also for our workers. As was the case with the rest of the world, many gig workers…

Coronavirus: How to work from home, the right way
Copywriting Skills Freelancing Work HabitsWork from home has become a reality for most of us right now- whether we like it or not. At first, we were under the impression that this way of living is excellent. We imagine we will have more time for ourselves, our families, and be able…

Copywriting and Covid-19: How to keep your mojo working
Freelancing Work HabitsBeing home is great. You don’t have to pay someone to prepare your food or cut your hair, it’s where your bed lives and, unless your flatshare is especially grim, you can use the bathroom in complete comfort. Who would ever leave? Assuming…

How does the COVID-19 outbreak affect content marketing and SEO?
Content & Strategy SEOThe Coronavirus has been such an uprooting force that there are many aspects of life that have been deeply affected. Social gatherings have been prohibited, if not discouraged, businesses have been asked to cease operations temporarily or at…

How a small Covid-19 free Belize deals with economic stress
Freelancing Work HabitsCovid-19 hit the entire world like a tidal wave, and small businesses, in particular, were in danger of drowning in the flood. There has been a lot of focus on the world's largest economies, but how are businesses in small economies faring?…

Crisis, communication and COVID-19
Freelancing Work HabitsIt’s currently a tough time for brands, this won’t come as a surprise seeing as it's a difficult period for most. In light of this, let’s spare a moment for the many celebrities currently imprisoned in their gilded cages, mansions and…

Diversify your income in Covid-19 with transcreation
Copywriting Skills FreelancingThe COVID-19 pandemic is forcing many people around the world to work from home and we're facing a recession because of it. Many are finding ways to adjust under quarantine through productivity tips, especially since the lack of social interaction…