How to be a copywriter
10 Tips to Improve Mental Toughness
Work HabitsGetting Your Head In The Right Place
So you work in a creative industry. You are neither a warrior nor an athlete. Yet, your ability to survive and advance often hinges on adaptation and perseverance. They require guts/moxie/vigor/fortitude/mettle/spunk/grit/pluck/hardihood/backbone…
Who Is the New Creative Person?
Copywriting Skills Work HabitsOn the Comeback Trail With the New Kids on the Block
Creativity is making a comeback. After “tech-ing” up the past few years, agencies are beginning to remember what they actually get paid to do: create communications. The axis is shifting…
What you can learn from Holden Caulfield
Content & Strategy Copywriting SkillsBy J.D. Salinger (written in 2009)While strolling amidst these phony baloney ad execs at lunchtime, you think of all the phony messages and claims brands make and have always made: “Stronger than Dirt,” “Save Money, Live Better”…
The Elements of Style
Content & Strategy Copywriting SkillsDue to the popularity of the post, “On Writers, Copywriting and How to Build a Portfolio”, I’ve decided to continue on the theme. Of my 38 posts, it’s been the most heavily re-tweeted. So we’ll give our readership more of what it seems…
Your customers do not care about you
Content & StrategySales-focused website content is only relevant to customers during that tiny, tiny window when they are actually buying what you sell. To get them to engage with you the rest of the time requires an objective understanding of what really motivates…
Keep your eye on the prize: the traffic
Content & StrategyThere’s been quite a rise in content which I’d charitably describe as ‘share porn’. It’s typically not pornographic: I call it that because its only purpose is to be shared – and in many cases it’s driven by a needy headline, such…
Multicultural Copywriting & Transcreation – A Bigger Than Bigger Challenge
Content & Strategy Copywriting SkillsThe release of the iPhone 6 has created lots of social media buzz in the cyber world, including in Chinese social media. The simplified Chinese translation (for Mainland China market) of the slogan “Bigger than bigger” (translated to “比更大还更大”),…
Compelling Product Copywriting – A Recipe For Success
Content & Strategy Copywriting SkillsI was visiting a client that produces designer jewelry and tableware and had the opportunity to get up close and personal with his stunning pieces. As I held one of his forks in my hand, I could feel the heft of the metal and the curvature of…
See our freelance copywriters
Why? Because we only represent proven copywriters that excel at the difficult arts of copywriting and freelancing.
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FL 34684, USA