Content & Strategy

Read about the posts about the category Content & Strategy of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


The Future of Advertising: Eye opening!

How often do you hear people complain about the amount of commercials that they see or the level of sponsorship that you come across just about anywhere in the world? This is quite simply because many of us feel quite suffocated by the high…

Writing sales emails: dos and don’ts

Have you just begun writing emails? Do you want to feel confident when emailing a client? Don't worry! Here are the 10 tips for writing sales emails: DO 1. Focus on a single sales message Have a very clear purpose before you even begin.…

Top tips on writing for social media

Writing for social media is one of the most important things you can do to take advantage of the new media revolution. This is also important if you are just blogging for fun or intend to monetize your blog in the future. Read the top tips…

How to have some fun as a copywriter

As any copywriter will tell you, writing advertising and corporate copy is an unremittingly joyless occupation. But sometimes it’s possible to have a little fun by playing a few games with the copy, headlines, and even the concepts. Here's…

Extreme advertising: are advertisers pushing the limits of what and where you can advertise?

All advertisers understand the importance of making a connection with their audience. Without a connection, consumers will not respond to the advertisement, rendering it ineffective, no matter what the message is. In our advertisement-saturated…

5 really cool ambient media executions

Seen as a non-traditional method of advertising, ambient media gets attention and it is extremely versatile.The term “Ambient Media” became commonly used in the advertising industry around 1999 when it was first coined. It is used as…

10 of the best: Advertising Slogans

Advertising slogans have long been the pitch where brands and products are either made or broken. A great advertising slogan can catch on fast with the general public and help to sell a product by increasing its brand reputation many times…

How to write slogans that work

Slogans are the fundamental and, often, the most important piece of a company’s marketing campaign. Companies spend thousands of dollars on copywriters, trying to find the perfect combination of words to draw in and retain customers. Take…

Original, Unique and Duplicate Content… Why still the confusion?

Listen up. This is simple so I’m going to keep it short. There’s still a lot of confusion among writers when it comes to multiple copies of their work (i.e. blog post) circulating around the internet.Despite excellent technical articles,…

Copywriting do’s and don’ts (Pt II – the don’ts)

In the second part of our 'Copywriting do's and don'ts' here, rather predictably, are five copywriting don'ts. Actually there are six (which ironically probably breaks the most important rule: Follow the brief! Oh well, rules are there to be…

Copywriting do’s and don’ts (Pt I – the do’s)

Sometimes the things you see in print just make you cringe! How did the copywriter get away with that? What were they thinking.So here's part one of 'Copywriting do's and don'ts'. Let's start with some things you've just got to do. 1.…

Why the creative brief is so important

Sir Winston Churchill famously insisted that his generals summarize their reports using no more than a single side of paper. He’d have made a good account manager. While weeks and weeks of research might go into a creative brief there’s…