Are You Making These 3 Mistakes With Email Pitches?
Work HabitsI’ve received my share of email pitches from various service providers. It's amazing how many keep making the same mistakes over and over again.For example, I once received the following from a web design firm:Hi Mary, (Note: I use…

3 Ideas To Engage Your Email List
Work HabitsA common problem many email marketers have is being able to activate their audience—to fully get them engaged in what they are doing. Yes, the final goal might be to land a sale, but having an active readership can do wonders for your bottom…

Are You Micromanaging Your Copywriter?
Work HabitsI recently read an article on Hubspot’s blog that made me feel vindicated.The article, “Why Your Brain Lets You Make Grammar Mistakes (Even If You Know Better),” describes perfectly the dilemma every professional writer faces when they…

Why You Want a Copywriter Who Is In Love With Your Customer
Work HabitsYou know it’s important to fall in love with your customer. Or perhaps you don’t.There’s an unfortunate trend in some larger organizations to focus on process and methodologies almost to the exclusion of focusing on the customer. This…

Outsourcing, Know Your Limits
Work HabitsAre you an entrepreneur who has been trying to do it all yourself to save yourself a little money? In today’s tough economy most of us feel like we are in the same boat. There’s just not enough time or money to get everything done. If that…

Building Great Rapport With a “Thank you”!
Work HabitsA simple "thank you" can create recurring business.
I know you may say 'doesn't everyone do this' but quite often we overlook the obvious. I have a very successful marketing friend that has a 'thank you' in his email signature in case he forgets…

10 Tips to Improve Mental Toughness
Work HabitsGetting Your Head In The Right Place
So you work in a creative industry. You are neither a warrior nor an athlete. Yet, your ability to survive and advance often hinges on adaptation and perseverance. They require guts/moxie/vigor/fortitude/mettle/spunk/grit/pluck/hardihood/backbone…

Who Is the New Creative Person?
Copywriting Skills Work HabitsOn the Comeback Trail With the New Kids on the Block
Creativity is making a comeback. After “tech-ing” up the past few years, agencies are beginning to remember what they actually get paid to do: create communications. The axis is shifting…

Where do you find inspiration?
Work HabitsI've worked with a few Creative Directors and the good ones realise that their stable of Writers and Art Directors need constant stimulation to be able to create concepts that aren't run-of-the-mill and can potentially be award winners.Where…

How to focus on your customers’ needs, inspire their devotion and make the world a better place
Work HabitsBecause why not have it all? ;-)The first rule of writing marketing copy and content is to speak to your customers’ or clients’ needs instead of your own.Instead of focusing your copy on your product or service – what it does,…

The Writing Life — Take the Pressure Off and Just Create
Work HabitsI’ve been feeling the call to start another novel.This is on top of working on my next nonfiction book, blogging several times a week, and let’s not forget copywriting for clients and my own biz.Needless to say, starting a novel…

How To Boost Your Email Reader Engagement
Work HabitsEmail marketing is mainly a one-way communication channel. An email campaign sends messages to a list of subscribers, providing information as in a newsletter or a sales message with instructions on how to respond. The marketer doesn’t expect…