Work Habits

Read about the posts about the category Work Habits of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


I Noticed A Pattern Behind Why Only A Select Few Online Entrepreneurs Build Profitable Businesses

Back in 2012 I wrote an email to a special group of people.The message was sent to all my past coaching members, everyone who had joined at least one of the three flagship courses I taught during 2007 to 2011.My question was simple: I…

What Tennis Player Stanislas Wawrinka’s Story Of Redemption Can Teach Entrepreneurs About Perseverance

I love January.Besides the start of the new year, the fresh ambition and motivation (and finishing all those pesky holidays)… something very important happens.It’s tennis month in Australia.During January there is tennis on all…

What Fine Dining Can Teach Us About Writing

I’m a nut for cooking shows. I’m not talking about drama-ridden, spoon-throwing reality shows, but the ones with absolute masters of culinary experience. Maybe it’s because I can draw so many parallels between great cooking and great…

How Well Do You Know Your Ideal Client?

From my experience mentoring entrepreneurs and small businesses of all shapes and sizes, I’m willing to guess it’s not nearly as intimate and internalized a relationship as it should be.It’s crucial that every business whole-heartedly…

Virtual sociality

From Facebook stalking to Twitter following, we’re virtually obsessed with each other (ambiguity intended). So what’s the deal? How does social media satisfy our real needs?Digging deep into historyThat Abraham Maslow was a clever…

Where random ramblings run wild and radical journeys are stumbled upon, read the latest musings of a Digital Copywriter who isn’t afraid of the dark…

You adore me, don’t you?How to capture your reader’s attention and make them fall for whatever you want in five simple steps (without selling your soul – just a wise choice of words). 1. Emotionally engage To…

4 B2B Networking Tips for Entrepreneurs

One of the best ways to generate new business is by tapping into your target market through another business that caters to it. I am not talking about poaching clients from a fellow business, but strengthening your network of small businesses…

6 Ways to Make Working From Home Work for Your Business

As more and more women go into business for themselves, more and more women are working from home because a home office tends to be the most affordable, convenient option for budding entrepreneurs. Working from home offers other benefits, too,…

The science of why setting deadlines gets things done, how Jake Blues knew it, and what it has to do with your productivity and my new blog.

Do you ever put things off? Have you ever had something you needed to do, but just never got round to doing it? Had a piece of work you kept putting off because it ‘wasn’t urgent‘?! Me too! Only last week I realised I’d put something…

6 Lessons From A Copywriter Intern’s First 6 Days

Hey there! I’m an intern at Victors & Spoils, an advertising agency in Boulder, Colorado. Welcome to ad life, a world of sweat, tears and iced coffee. Expect bad puns by the boatload.As a self-taught creative hailing from biz school,…

To Do or Not to Do: When Do We Walk Away from Customers?

In business, one constantly has to make decisions. As business owners or entrepreneurs, the buck stops with us. We are the ones who have to make the hard decisions. No one else. When we are just starting out, I think one of the hardest decision…

How to Deal With Angry Customers

Something that’s happened to us all – the case of the angry customer!Wherever we work, whatever we do, we’ll all eventually find ourselves face-to-face in that awkward situation in the workplace we’d rather simply avoid. Let’s…