Tag Archive for: Freelancer


Freelancers: How to be productive and happy with a bit of self-improvement

Freelancing can be different. You can become the hero of a famous photo of a young man working on a beach lounger surrounded by the tropics. Or you can turn into a walking zombie who is ready to kill because of fatigue and irritation. Both the…
stay-at-home-mom-copywriter-collective freelance-writer-copywritercollective

Perks of being a stay-at-home mom/freelancer

Geninna Ariton gives us a little insight into her day as a stay-at-home mom come, freelance writer. 8:14 A kick on my arm, followed by faint cooing and then boisterous laughter. Hair pulling starts immediately. I know this won't stop until…

My work is worth…? How to pay yourself a salary when you are a freelancer

Working as a freelancer certainly requires a lot of time and effort. First of all, you should familiarise yourself with some tricks of the trade to help find new leads and attracting clients. After getting to grips with some of the basics, it’s…

5 Most valuable skills you need to acquire in order to succeed as a freelance writer

There has never been a better time for talented freelance writers. As the demand for quality content has exploded over the past decade due to the growth of the internet, companies are actively seeking professional creators in this field.  Both…

Five ways Fiverr can help you become a copywriter

Fiverr is a website where people offer a service for $5. Any service. You can get a caricature of your cat for $5, a tarot reading or a report on your family history going back four generations. You can hire someone to pretend to be your girlfriend…

Work for one of the top 5 industries for copywriting and make a packet!

Focusing on a couple of core industries can be a wise strategy. If you can develop strength in one and become the expert of it, you could be more successful than if you bounce from industry to industry, never achieving skill beyond "adequate"…

Freelance copywriting: does it make you happy?

It seems like the dream, doesn’t it? Quitting your day job to write full time? What could be better than that? Well, for one thing, a regular, guaranteed pay check. But you get to employ your skills, while sitting at home, in your pyjamas.…

Crisis! What crisis? Why freelancers are the solution to growth for the world economy and your business

With European unemployment approaching 20 million – 12% of the available workforce – things aren’t getting any better any sooner in Europe. That goes double for Spain and Greece, where 1 in 4 people are now unemployed. Don’t even mention…

Going it alone: Five differences between ad agency copywriters and freelance copywriters.

Ad agency copywriters and freelance copywriters do much the same job but enjoy very different lifestyles. So, which is best? Here are five big differences... but tell us what you think in the comments box below. 1. Work security Probably…

Why’s financial planning for freelancers so important?

As a freelancer you don’t have the benefit of a regular pay packet like in a normal 9-5 job and it’s definitely one of the areas of concern for people moving from regular employment and into full time freelancing work. Financial planning…

Not the normal tips for being a freelance copywriter

Maybe it’s the economy but there’s been a lot more interest in the idea of making money as a freelance copywriter over the last year or so. While being a successful freelancer isn’t something you can learn completely from a €5 ebook,…

How to get started as a freelance copywriter

What does it take to be a successful freelance copywriter? Apart from talent which you’re either born with or not, there are one or two things you can do for yourself. Here are five things that'll help you get started as a freelance copywriter 1.…