
Read about the posts about the category News of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


Extreme advertising: do advertisers push the limits of what and where you can advertise?

All advertisers understand the importance of making a connection with their audience. Without a connection, consumers will not respond to the advertisement, rendering it ineffective, no matter what the message is. In our advertisement-saturated…

Martin Schenderling: Wandering Artist & Freelance Graphic Designer

 Martin Martin is a designer and DTPer with 32 years experience. He is old school, in a good way. Book him for all types of print materials./caption] After high school at Academy Artibus in Utrecht, Amsterdam based Freelance Graphic Designer…

Martin Schenderling: Artist, Freelance Graphic Designer and Wanderer

Martin Martin is a designer and DTPer with 32 years experience. He is old school, in a good way. Book him for all types of print materials./caption] After high school at Academy Artibus in Utrecht, Amsterdam based Freelance Graphic Designer…


Het is heel verleidelijk om Engelse teksten te laten schrijven door copywriters die niet native Engels zijn. Maar als u zeker wilt zijn dat uw communicatiebudget impact heeft, is het beter om te werken met schrijvers die de taal in al haar nuances…

Copywriter Nederlands

Edward is een allround freelance creative, concept en copy, speed strategist. Hij werkte voor heel grote klanten. En ook voor heel kleine. Nationaal en internationaal. Edward besloot te gaan freelancen in 2001 na gewerkt te hebben bij Bozell,…

Brand activation – Pak je kansen

Flash mobs, interactieve billboards, burendagen en ongekende experiences op je social network. Brand activation is hot. Nike, Coca-Cola of Mercedes. Geen groot merk kan meer zonder in de strijd om het hart van de consument, die een beloved brand…

Make the right impact with native English copywriters

It can be tempting to use non-native English copywriter to write copy in English. But if you want your advertising and marketing to make a real impact you need writers who know all the nuances and subtleties of the language. That means native…

Translation? No thanks! International campaigns work better with transcreation.

Translation is great for getting a basic message across. But it can’t capture the real spirit of the brand you’re trying to promote. Nor does it take into account cultural differences between different target markets. So campaigns that work…

Extreme advertising: how advertisers push the limits of what and where you can advertise

All advertisers understand the importance of making a connection with their audience. Without a connection, consumers will not respond to the advertisement, rendering it ineffective, no matter what the message is. In our advertisement-saturated…

Miriam Freelance Copywriter

Freelance copywriters – they’re everywhere. Or so the internet would have you believe. But there’s a world of difference between people willing to string a few sentences together for money and those whose writing is the product of a whole…

Multi-award winning freelance creative director

Simon is a multi-award winning freelance creative director and copywriter based in London and South West France. Simon trained at Y&R London and Saatchi & Saatchi, under the legendary Paul Arden. Subsequently moving to Lowe, he became…