3 Strategies for Managing Your Time
Marketing & PRTime management is a huge issue for entrepreneurs. There’s always “one more thing” that must be looked at before you can tackle the real work. If you answer your emails now, you promise yourself you’ll get to work on the “big” project…but…

Marketing Insight: Discover What Your Clients Will Look For Over The Next Few Years.
Marketing & PRDuring the past year, it is no coincidence that several well known UK PR agencies have reorganised themselves - relegating PR and promoting full-service marketing capabilities - to better reflect the anticipated needs of clients in a digital…

The Four Pillars Strategy: Breaking Up The Concrete Of Traditional Marketing.
Marketing & PRStraight off the bat, I’m going to quote Chrissie Hynde: “That old train keeps blowin..Through the centre of this town.. Restores my faith..When the chips are down. It don’t take no passengers..Since the streets got re-arranged..But that…

Terror Social Media Marketing: The Grim Reality
Marketing & PR Social MediaMarketing war is nothing new, but the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the Sunni militant group that seized Mosul, Iraq, last June, and already rules an area larger than the United Kingdom, is re-writing the war marketing rule book by…

9 Tips For Sales Conversations That Actually Convert To Clients
Marketing & PRI’m absolutely crazy about sales. Even when I was a Girl Scout as a child, I just loved knocking on doors to try to sell my neighbors cookies. This innate passion for sales has stayed with me and is in large part what has made me the successful…

2 Key Sales Questions That Build Rapport With Your Prospect
Marketing & PRWhen it comes to sales, it is vital to immediately establish and maintain rapport with your prospect.To enjoy the rewards of the maxim, “people do business with those they know, like and trust,” you have to put in the effort to build…

3 Email Marketing Mistakes You Should Make!
Marketing & PRIt can be quite easy to fall into the trap of looking for best practices and, in the process, try to identify and avoid typical mistakes. However, at times, looking a little bit closer at those potential mistakes can be a good way to find hidden…

The Winning Package
Marketing & PRSo long as new ideas are created, sales will continue to reach new highs.
-Dorothea Brande
Putting it all together
OK you have the big idea...the headline...the lead and now you just need the body of the sales package. So how do you do…

Going the Extra Mile = More Sales?
Marketing & PR“People of excellence go the extra mile to do what's right.”
― Joel Osteen
- Doing more than you're paid for -
So what’s holding you back from going the extra mile? If you are struggling to go…

The New Agile Marketing Method
Marketing & PRIn February 2001, a bunch of software developers got together in Snowbird, Utah to discuss lightweight development methods. They published the Manifesto for Agile Software Development to define what is now known as agile software development.“The…

Email marketing that slaps you in the face – decisive or desperate?
Marketing & PRBut recently there seems to me a new fashion springing up for marketing emails – some of them spam – that not only get your attention, but slap you across the face and suggest you don’t know what’s right for your business.
Email marketing…

Why We Need Great Marketing
Marketing & PR“Marketing is the art of creating genuine customer value. It is the art of helping your customer become better off. The marketer’s watchwords are quality, service, and value.” -Phillip Kotler
Marketing has developed a bad reputation.