Content & Strategy

Read about the posts about the category Content & Strategy of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


How to Write an Annual Report

Many people come to this site looking for advice on how to write an annual report. This post is for you. We’ve assumed that you’re writing it for a UK public company but most of the principles here apply to any kind of organisation. 1.…

The Perfect Sales Letter (Part 1) – 12 Key Steps

Think you need an award-winning copywriter to create effective sales letters?Think again.To be sure, writing the perfect sales letter is hard work. And time-consuming. But by using a template sales letter process, almost any business…

How to Write Bullet Points That Tease, Engage, and Persuade

Learning how to write bullet points … it’s one of the most effective ways any copywriter get any idea across to their reader.They help a copywriter articulate a particular—sometimes even complicated—concept in a clear, concise, compelling…

Keep Your Readers Interested with Hooks and Hangers

More and more marketers are focusing on unique content to promote their websites. Social Media Examiner’s 2014 Social Media Marketing Industry Report indicates that 58% of marketing professionals and freelance copywriters feel that original…

Beauty Copywriting…More Than Just Pretty Words

How many times have you read the words: Gorgeous, Luminous, Effervescent on a beauty product you purchased? These words have become synonymous with beauty related copywriting. When writing for health and beauty, there needs to be more of an…

Measuring ROI for guest content

In recent years, there has been a breakthrough in the field of marketing ROI. Whereas in the past, marketers could only demurely cast their eyes down and mumble something about brand awareness and customer loyalty when asked where the budget…

Proven Copywriting Methods: Emotional Advertising

For copywriting to be truly persuasive, you need to know that it’s all down to human emotions. All buying decisions are based on emotion. By using emotion and then adding in logical reasons to back up what you have said, you’ll be able to…


Before you say anything, I don’t personally believe there is a definitive list of 10 simple tricks to make you write the next best-selling book or blockbuster hit.So much goes into every book and screenplay that each finished story is…

How to Grow Your Website’s Online Presence with SEO

You can't have a stable online presence for your website without an SEO plan. From social media posts to creating content on your site seen by the search engine, you need a call of action to help you build brand awareness. It takes time to create…
improve-creative-writing-copywriter-collectiveHow Freelancers Can Improve-copywritercollective

Short Story Tips: How Freelancers Can Improve Their Creative Writing

Creative writing is when a freelance writer comes up with content that breaks the barrier of professionalism or any form of technical literature to come up with content through the creation of characters in situations. Creativity is always made…

Copywriting for grown ups vs story writing for kids

MY GUEST BLOG FOR WRITING PAL MAX KITCHEN Are you a two-hat writer? On the one hand an … erm … efficient, grounded, moneymaking copywriter? And on the other a self-indulgent, neurotic, impoverished purveyor of fiction? Join the large,…
social-media-strategies-copywriter-collectiveSocial Media Strategies-copywritercollective

Social Media Strategies You Should Know for 2021

Navigating the world of social media can be daunting. That’s why we’re sharing our tips on how to build a Social Media plan that can help you define your brand's targets, increase audience engagement and maximize your social marketing strategy…