Tag Archive for: Marketing and Advertising

Advertising: Past, present and future
Advertising Agency LifeHere's a really interesting slide show called Advertising:Past, present and future.It does what it says on the tin really. There are some great examples of classic ads and it gives a new perspective on how things have changed - and continue…

How to write slogans that work
Content & Strategy Copywriting SkillsSlogans are the fundamental and, often, the most important piece of a company’s marketing campaign. Companies spend thousands of dollars on copywriters, trying to find the perfect combination of words to draw in and retain customers. Take…

The financial crisis. Threat or opportunity for freelance copywriters?
FreelancingThere’s no way of getting around it, we are living in tough times. The recession has taken its toll on every working individual over the last few years. Apparently times are changing and the average freelancer is lucky to keep his or her head…

Why the creative brief is so important
Content & Strategy Freelancing Work HabitsSir Winston Churchill famously insisted that his generals summarize their reports using no more than a single side of paper. He’d have made a good account manager. While weeks and weeks of research might go into a creative brief there’s…

Fiverr.com gives everyone easy access to SEO optimisation
FreelancingIf you haven’t seen the Fiverr.com website before, go now. It’s one of those brilliantly simple internet ideas that has taken off big time. There are millions of users offering their services for $5 a pop. There are all sorts of weird and…

Internet marketing is a fallacy
Marketing & PRDoes internet marketing work for freelance creatives? The internet as a tool for new business is a fallacy. It's still in its infancy so it's making all the claims that advertising did when it started. That it can turn you into a success overnight.…