Tag Archive for: Freelancer

How to get started as a freelance copywriter
FreelancingWhat does it take to be a successful freelance copywriter? Apart from talent which you’re either born with or not, there are one or two things you can do for yourself.
Here are five things that'll help you get started as a freelance copywriter

How to get paid as a freelance writer
FreelancingThe problem with being a freelance writer or copywriter often lies not in getting the work, or doing the work, but in getting paid for the work.Quite naturally (in their philosophy) some of the people who own or run ad agencies don’t like…

Freelancer vacation: The best times for freelancers to go on vacation
Freelancing Work HabitsAs a freelancer, you're often caught in a catch 22 situation when it comes to vacation time: You can go on holiday anytime you like (friends think you're on a permanent holiday), but you're worried about going away, because you might miss out…

Nevermind the ‘lance’ The important bit is ‘free’
Agency Life Freelancing Work HabitsOnce upon a time in the West End …Apart from a year as CD on Barclay’s at Leo Burnett London in 2009, I’ve been working for myself since 1995.When I started doing it, freelance was pretty much a euphemism for ‘Can’t Get A Job’.…

The future of freelancing: Will all creatives be freelancers soon?
Agency Life Freelancing Work Habits'Freelancing' is no longer an euphemism for being out of work. In the States, where the economic situation is on the up, freelancers are an important force in the success of agencies pitching for new clients or realizing big projects.
So, what…

How much should a freelancer charge?
Freelancing"What rate should I ask for?" is the most common question we get asked at The Collective by copywriters, art directors or designers. How much to charge for your freelance services is the million dollar question - of course asking for a million…

5 ways to work better with your copywriting agent
Freelancing Work HabitsSo you've been signed up by an agent. Congratulations! Think all your problems are solved? Think again. Having an agent is only the first rung on a very long ladder and all those who have been with the agent longer are ahead of you - with good…

SEO advice for copywriters – What every freelancer should know before hiring an SEO
Freelancing SEOAs you probably know, hiring a SEO company or specialist to optimize your website can be a difficult and nerve wracking experience. There are 1000s out there and how do you pick one? How can you be sure they're going to do a job? Now you know…

5 SEO essentials for your website
SEOBefore you start different SEO services and techniques, check five SEO essentials on your website right now.
Record your ranking in these categories - just as you would measure your weight before you start a diet - and see whether they go up…

Round-table discussion or charity work
NewsDear freelancers, we have narrowed our anniversary celebration ideas down to two... we could do one or both depending on you. What are your thoughts? Would you participate in either?OPTION A: Round-table discussion
Fraser suggested a…

10 years with the best English copywriters
NewsThe Collective is proud to announce that we have now reached our 10th anniversary. We started out exclusively representing the best English copywriters, but as we grew internationally, so did our nationalities. Now we boast 110 of the best creative…

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New member of staff: Gerardo Perfors
The Collective on tour: Berlin
Insert in creative magazine
Now over 200 members
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