Copywriting Skills

Read about the posts about the category Copywriting Skills of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective


5 Tips to Streamline your Copywriting Process

One of the biggest obstacles to a new copywriting project isn’t the writing itself, but the process. Everybody works in different ways, and when you’re working with a new client you need a clear, quick and simple way to get from point A…

Writing and Translation: How To Translate Your Copywriting

Copywriting is probably the most important digital marketing tool in web content but not many people know that it is even more effective when combined with web translation. The need to write persuasive texts on the internet is the reason why…

Tips for Adjusting to a Freelancer Role

Being a freelancer is something that is more relevant than ever. Although freelance roles have existed for very long periods of time, they are most common now. This is no surprise given how many remote working and online opportunities there…

5 Steps to Start Freelance Copywriting as a Side Hustle

When I started out as a freelance copywriter, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know how to find work. I didn’t know how much to charge people. I didn’t even know how to create an invoice. But I ended up freelancing for…
How to Build a Successful Freelance Business

How to Build a Successful Freelance Business

Building a business when you are a freelancer takes time, and it is not often something that happens overnight; however, with the right attitude and the right approach, you can build a sustainable and versatile business. This can be a business…

7 Powerful SEO Link Building Strategies for 2022

Backlinks are a crucial element of any SEO plan. That said, they are not something you can set and forget about once they are live. Backlinks might vanish, become poisoned, or just become less relevant over time. To maintain a high search ranking,…

How Videos are the Next Revolution in Content Marketing

What makes video marketing such a popular choice? Why is video so essential in content marketing? With the changing trends and preferences of the audience, it is mandatory that businesses keep on evolving and adapting. This is also the reason…

9 Ways to Find Writing Inspiration When you Feel Blocked

Writing is more than just writing; it is an art, a skill that requires not only knowledge but also inspiration. However, sometimes a writer, whether a blog writer, a scriptwriter, a copywriter, or any other writer, feels blocked and unable to…

Software and Tools to Help you Become a Better Copywriter

In recent years, the demand for skilled copywriters has skyrocketed. Particularly with the widespread adoption of the internet by firms to help promote themselves, break into new markets and engage more positively with clients. These days, most…

How to Stop Writing Like a Robot

If everybody looked the same, we'd get tired of looking at each other. So said Groove Armada in their 1999 banger of the same name. Now, if you’ll bear with me, that line of the song is relevant to this article for two reasons. Firstly, because…

Carving Out a Successful Career as a Freelance Copywriter

Achieving a successful career in copywriting does not have to be as difficult as you think. You don’t need to waste your money on courses; you need to apply the skills and knowledge you already have. Getting started and taking that first step…

Skills you Need to Brush up on as a Freelancer in 2022

Freelance writing is among the most rewarding job paths you can embark upon at the moment. Not to mention that in a digital landscape where content is increasingly important, there is significant demand for those who can consistently produce…