Copywriting Skills

Read about the posts about the category Copywriting Skills of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective


Skills you Need to Brush up on as a Freelancer in 2022

Freelance writing is among the most rewarding job paths you can embark upon at the moment. Not to mention that in a digital landscape where content is increasingly important, there is significant demand for those who can consistently produce…

Measuring ROI for guest content

In recent years, there has been a breakthrough in the field of marketing ROI. Whereas in the past, marketers could only demurely cast their eyes down and mumble something about brand awareness and customer loyalty when asked where the budget…

Pay your Copywriters appropriately

THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: PAY YOUR COPYWRITERS APPROPRIATELY I can’t believe I’m here writing this after 10 years of copywriting but here we go… I was prompted to write this article after a short stint working in a Digital…

On-Page SEO: 7 Effective Ways to Improve Your Ranking

93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. More than 3.5 billion Google searches occur in a day. The majority of these searchers only click the top results, with 75% of them not going beyond page one of the search results. This tells…

Start Blogging: How To Build A Personalized Website For Your Content

The desire to share ideas, reach a global audience and maybe win over some fans is the reason why several people have taken to blogging these days. Blogs are very effective for a couple of reasons. Four out of every five internet users read…

COVID Means Understanding Your Customer

The Numbers Of COVID As of today, according to the World ‘O’ Meters Web Site, there are currently 298, 228,946 COVID Cases.  There have been 5,481,882 deaths. But there is also good news, there are 256, 768, 846 recovered.  From the…

How to Protect Your Craft as a Freelance Writer

In our socially distanced, post-Covid world, freelancers are in high demand and that means they need to protect their craft. A massive amount of online content is published every day and it has to come from somewhere. Every day, writers churn…

10 Useful Tips to Get Your Freelance Business Off the Ground in 2022

If you are looking for work, or want to start your own business, freelancing is a good option. Freelance work can be done from anywhere in the world and on any schedule that suits you. You can work on a sun lounger, enjoy the pool, and get paid.…

4 Online Tools to Help you Break Bad Writing Habits

Look, copywriting isn’t easy. And no matter how good a writer you are, you should always be looking for ways to improve. But sometimes it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly where and how you need to improve. Think of it like a golf swing.…

5 Easy Ways You Can Start Writing More Accessible Web Copy

A lot of people assume copywriting is easy. It isn’t. As you and I are keenly aware, there’s an art to writing web copy that resonates, conveys personality, and is also optimised for SEO. And it gets even harder when you add writing for…

How to Find New Copywriting Leads in 2022

Finding clients is the perpetual challenge for freelancers. As trends change, so do clients — and there are always new kids on the block (like AI writers) to keep copywriters on their toes. While machine learning is nowhere near good enough…

How to Create a Productive Writing Environment at Home

Are you struggling to create a productive writing environment at home for your writing? Well, you are not alone. Most copywriters who work from home struggle with this as well. What makes it so difficult is the fact that work and life happen…