How to invoice as a freelancer: Example invoice
FreelancingHow to invoice as a freelancer is one of the most common - and one of the most important - questions every new freelance copywriter asks.
And rightly so. It's probably the most important piece of copy you will ever write as a copywriter! It's…

The joy of being a freelance copywriter
Freelancing Work HabitsBecoming a freelance copywriter can be a daunting step. You must give up the security of a steady job and generate your own income. The benefits though, outweigh the risk 100-1. You can set your own schedule. You can say yes or no to work. You’ll…

SEO advice for copywriters – What every freelancer should know before hiring an SEO
Freelancing SEOAs you probably know, hiring a SEO company or specialist to optimize your website can be a difficult and nerve wracking experience. There are 1000s out there and how do you pick one? How can you be sure they're going to do a job? Now you know…