Tag Archive for: Advertising agency


Pampered clients, the Mexican government and the toughest audience in the world

We recently caught up with copywriter of many parts Simon D-T to mull over a career that has been many things but never boring. You've won innumerable international awards. What's the best ad of yours that never got made or never won an award. The…

Ad passion

Do you know that feeling, when you bite into your favourite dessert… it's delicious, exciting, sweet, rewarding, it makes you feel better and you just want more of it? Well, that's how I feel when I think, talk or write about advertising... Who…

Going it alone: Five differences between ad agency copywriters and freelance copywriters.

Ad agency copywriters and freelance copywriters do much the same job but enjoy very different lifestyles. So, which is best? Here are five big differences... but tell us what you think in the comments box below. 1. Work security Probably…

Nevermind the ‘lance’ The important bit is ‘free’

Once upon a time in the West End … Apart from a year as CD on Barclay’s at Leo Burnett London in 2009, I’ve been working for myself since 1995. When I started doing it, freelance was pretty much a euphemism for ‘Can’t Get A Job’.…

Differences in advertising between Slovenia and the Netherlands

Ever wondered how agency life in The Netherlands compares to that in Slovenia? Conceptual Copywriter Martin Mol has a foot in both worlds and shares his thoughts on the differences in advertising between Slovenia and the Netherlands. "In…