Marketing & PR

Read about the posts about the category Marketing & PR of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


What Every Company Leader Should Consider

A company leader must make sure the right people are doing the right things.This requires both leadership skills and knowledge about the numerous business functions that exist within a company. Given their level of influence, they can build…

The Proof Apple Has Won

 From a business perspective (along with a whole bunch of other points of view), Apple has won. One piece of proof in particular has me convinced, though: consumers have opened nearly 800 million accounts on iTunes, most of which have…

Is that a Marketing or Strategy Question?

Many marketing challenges are often strategic dilemmas. When company executives meet to discuss missed sales targets, unknowingly they are often trying to solve strategic issues with marketing solutions. Since they are not addressing the core…

Managing the Curve of Expectation

Expectations are almost everything. Meet them and people are mostly happy. Exceed them and they are mostly overjoyed. Fail to meet them and sometimes nothing else matters.The key of course lies in properly setting them in the first place.I…

Internet marketing is a fallacy

Does internet marketing work for freelance creatives? The internet as a tool for new business is a fallacy. It's still in its infancy so it's making all the claims that advertising did when it started. That it can turn you into a success overnight.…