Content & Strategy

Read about the posts about the category Content & Strategy of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


5 Simple Techniques for Writing Clear Copy

Summary: Successful copywriters use these five simple strategies to grab their reader's attention and increase conversions for their clients.Most successful marketing copywriters know that the modern web searcher has the attention span…

How To Write Short Copy — And Keep It Sweet

A Short(ish) Guide on How to Write Short CopyDid you know that, right now, there are models, actors and famous people flying all over the world with a cashmere wrap and scented candle?But of course … because that’s what they tell…

The Pizza Slice Approach to Great Sales Copy

I’ve recently started working on a personal writing project. This can be tough for me to do because I always have a lot of copywriting projects going, along with other content that needs to be written for my business.So how do I fit this…

Six Easy Ways to Write a Strong Sales Letter Lead

What’s the purpose of the headline? That’s right…to grab your reader’s attention. Without that, there’s no point in wasting time on the remainder of your sales letter or other copy.However, once you’ve mastered how to create…

The Perfect Sales Letter (Part 2) – 12 Key Components

Occasionally, I’m asked the question, “How long should a sales letter be?”My answer every time is…”as long as it needs to be to make the sale.” That means, you’ll require ample space to build a relationship…make bold claims…prove…

Long Copy vs. Short Copy: Which Converts Better?

When it comes to long copy vs. short copy…long copy wins every time.It’s the “dirty little secret” of today’s most successful direct response marketers. And, one of the most highly contested debates in marketing. Has been for decades.The…

How to quote for copywriting: My experience is your shortcut!

Oh, the elation of a copywriting enquiry! Someone wants YOU to write their copy. Cue happy dancing all around your office (or kitchen).Then, they ask, how much will it cost?THUNK. You crash back to reality, and your stomach fills with…

7 copywriting tips for luxury products

I wanted a copywriting primer on selling luxury consumer packaged goods for a client, so figured I’d share these copy writing secrets. Here goes:1. Affluent buyers still love bargains. They may have gotten their money by being frugal,…

What’s a Junior Copywriter?

You’ve seen an ad for a Junior Copywriter. And you’re wondering what, exactly, that is.So let’s shine some light on it for you by looking at it in two halves: ‘Junior’ and ‘Copywriter’.I’m going to do ‘Copywriter’…

10 secrets of persuasive copywriting

This may come as a shock to you at first, but guess what?Not everyone will agree with your point of view.What’s more, not everyone will do what you want – simply because you ask them to.Persuasion is too often viewed as a manipulative…

5 Reasons to Rethink not Hiring a Copywriter

Here's a business secret for you…One I'm guessing might blow your mind and save you money instantly (but it might cost you in the long-term).Not every business needs a copywriter!You have Word on your computer… you've got the…

Top 13 Power Words That Engage Wellness Prospects and Motivate Them to Buy – A Copywriter’s Checklist

Summary: Use these power words or phrases in your content and marketing to stir your reader's emotions and compel them to join your conversation or act on your offer.Wellness prospects are a tough crowd to motivate.Yet...that…