Tag Archive for: Website

Not the normal tips for being a freelance copywriter
Copywriting Skills Freelancing Work HabitsMaybe it’s the economy but there’s been a lot more interest in the idea of making money as a freelance copywriter over the last year or so. While being a successful freelancer isn’t something you can learn completely from a €5 ebook,…

WordPress for websites: WordPress will give your SEO a boost
SEOWordpress websites are taking over. Good news for most freelancers, except web designers of course. Now anyone can design and edit their own website without paying thousands to the designer for the initial website, and then extra every time…

SEO copywriting tips. Or: how to build a website that doesn’t bounce
SEOIf you're a freelance copywriter, art director or designer, your website is your shop. The more people that walk past the better. But you really want people to come in the shop, and walk to the back of the shop where the register is. That means…

5 SEO essentials for your website
SEOBefore you start different SEO services and techniques, check five SEO essentials on your website right now.
Record your ranking in these categories - just as you would measure your weight before you start a diet - and see whether they go up…