Tag Archive for: Connor Lundy


Copywriting and Covid-19: How to keep your mojo working

Being home is great. You don’t have to pay someone to prepare your food or cut your hair, it’s where your bed lives and, unless your flatshare is especially grim, you can use the bathroom in complete comfort. Who would ever leave? Assuming…

Crisis, communication and COVID-19

It’s currently a tough time for brands, this won’t come as a surprise seeing as it's a difficult period for most. In light of this, let’s spare a moment for the many celebrities currently imprisoned in their gilded cages, mansions and…

5 copywriting tips to put a little pep in your step

So you’ve watched a couple of seasons of Mad Men and you’ve been won over by the casual misogyny and liberal approach to liquid lunches. Becoming a copywriter seems pretty simple, right? With enough whiskey and self-loathing anyone can become…