Hello, I’m Mike, an English copywriter

I live in London, UK.

Mike is an experienced copywriter and Creative Director with over 20 years’ experience in advertising and branding. He has worked for some of the world’s largest agency networks on brands including Unilever, Vodafone, Sony, BT, O2, Sky, Pfizer, Hilton Hotels, The Ryder Cup, BBC and The British Library. He’s also equally at home working for SME’s, start ups and both political and corporate clients. His work spans broadcast, print and online advertising; online and print content; verbal identity, tone of voice and internal employee engagement. He has been awarded nationally and internationally not just for his creative work but also for its effectiveness. He is client-friendly, a good presenter and is as far from being a prima donna as you could possibly imagine. Notoriously fast, famously friendly and very flexible, Mike is as happy writing annual reports and websites as he is crafting poster concepts and straplines. A real-world strategic thinker who loves to write.
