Hello, I’m Brendan, an English copywriter

I live in Belfast, United Kingdom.

Here are the different categories I’ve worked in: FMCG, Automotive, Restaurant & Hotel, Telecommunications, Pet Food, TV & Radio, News Publications, Toys & Games, Pizza Delivery, Public Health & Safety, Retail, Home Improvement & Appliances, Video Rental, Sports & Entertainment, Online Services, Insurance, Transportation & Travel, Fuel, Car Hire, Gaming (Lottery), Police & Fire Services, Investment & Banking, Real Estate and Charity. Aside from working and freelancing at global agency networks, I also worked on the client side at the headquarters of ToysRUs and the NBA (in New York/New Jersey).

I’ve created and produced TV, Radio, Print and Digital work. And developed several integrated concepts, too. My work has been awarded at top ad festivals globally (Cannes Lion, NY and Sharks Festivals). I’ve worked on many tight budgets with crazy deadlines as well as pitched and retained accounts when it really counted. By trade, I’m a conceptual copywriter but I like to think of myself as a visual copywriter. Because at the end of the day, advertising is a communication art.
