6 Degrees of Social Media
Social MediaIn the digital age, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. As we begin to utilize social media we soon find out that there is less than 6 degrees of separation between most people. The more we network using social media the degrees of separation…

Five Ways to Get Noticed Online
Social Media
With over 2 million new blog posts being uploaded to the World Wide Web every single day, how on earth are you supposed to get your business noticed online?
Luckily, there are some simple strategies that are within the reach of even…

No time for blogging? Four easy steps forward
Social MediaBlog posts are an excellent form of content marketing, keeping you in dialogue with your target group and affirming you as an expert in your field. One of the challenges is mustering the time and developing the writing skills to produce them.…

The Top 5 Apps For Your Next Social Media Contest
Social MediaRunning a social marketing campaign is a great way to build your email list and generate more engagement with customers and fans.A social media contest could be as simple as running small sweepstakes, or as complex as running a photo contest…

7 Insights for Social Media Success from Industry Experts
Social MediaThe most inspiring people of our time have learnt their trade from others…They have listened, applied and adapted what others have already figured out and bundled it up in a nice little package with a ribbon of their personality.If…

95 Awesome Social Media Facts You Should Not Ignore
Social MediaIt’s only been 10 years but it feels like a lifetime.Twitter has been around for a decade. I joined in 2008 and had no clue about what to do with it or where it was going but loved its simplicity. Somehow it worked.Then I signed up…

Why You’re Missing A Trick With Search Marketing (And What To Do About It)
Social MediaDo you think search marketing is an important cog in your digital marketing strategy?Search marketing is the tactics, strategies and processes that aim to increase your traffic and visibility from search engines.It’s the perfect balance…

Blog Traffic Fundamentals: What Are Communication Channels?
Social MediaIt’s been a long time overdue but I have finally released an update of the Blog Profits Blueprint, my ground-breaking report from – and you won’t believe this – 2007!Yep, that’s right, it’s now ten years since I first published…

The Hard Truth About Social Media And What You Need to Do About It
Branding Social MediaIt had been done.The application form had been filled in. The schools attended, the relationships and the interest fields had been mulled over. The final submit button was pushed. I was live.Then something happened.People I hadn’t…

7 Inspiring Ideas To Power Up Your Social Media Strategy With Special Events
Social MediaYou are doing yourself a disservice if you don’t make the most of social media’s promotional power to grow your business…But social media marketing can get pretty impersonal when you’re purely using it to drive traffic, collect leads…

How to 10x Your Instagram Marketing
Social MediaThere is a question I am asked often.What social media network should I be using? And guess what? Everyone wants a black and white answer.The reality?It is shades of grey. But there is another thing. The goal posts keep moving…

Nonprofit Social Media for Newbies
Social MediaWith all the hoopla about social media and social networking these days, it’s easy to get confused.Never fear. A tweet is still the sound a bird makes. Flicker is what happens to the lights when the power is going out. And my space is the…