Do You Feel Overwhelmed By All The Things You Could Do With Your Online Business?
Marketing & PRTell me if this feels familiar…You are starting or growing a new online business.You frequently have conversations with other people who also have a business, and walk away with lots of ideas. Every time you go online and watch your…

If I Was Only Allowed To Share One Marketing Idea With You, This Is It…
Marketing & PRThink of a movie or television star……Now think of the movie or show they are most known for.(Arnold Schwarzenegger = Terminator, David Schwimmer = Friends, Kate Winslet = Titanic, Julia Roberts = Pretty Woman)Next, think…

Which Is Better: New Media Marketing Or Old School Internet Marketing?
Marketing & PRI received an email recently from one my newsletter subscribers named Zsolt, who is from Hungary.He had a really great question regarding what business models still work online. Specifically, he was referring to the more social web 2.0…

7 Big Content Marketing Myths
Marketing & PRMyths are woven into our DNA.We have heard about the Loch Ness Monster, the Yeti, dragons and other man-made creations and legends that live more within the imagination than reality. But without those tales, the tapestry of our lives would…

Why Most Online Businesses Are Failing
Marketing & PRIf you have an online business then your website is your store front. Your website not only has to promote your products or services, it needs to do much more than just showcase what you sell. It has to engage with your site visitors. It has…

9 Ways to Convince the Target Market to Buy Now
Marketing & PRWhen marketing, you inevitably experience some campaigns succeeding far beyond your expectations while others hit without much response at all. What makes the difference? In many cases, it's whether or not you appealed to the hot buttons of…

Red Bull – Gives you Wings?…
Marketing & PRThe recent lawsuit brought back old marketing discussions I used to have about Red Bull. Though I’m not going into detail about the legal case here, it was interesting to note that the overall underwhelming nature of the product was called…

10 Digital Marketing Assets You Need To Invest In Today
Marketing & PRSaving for most of us was encouraged from an early age.The piggybank was placed somewhere safe. The shiny coins clunked and clinked into the slot that locked away the pennies until that visit to the bank. The coins of various shapes and…

9 Ways to Discover the Hot Buttons That Convince the Target Market to Buy Now
Marketing & PRWhen marketing, you inevitably experience some campaigns succeeding far beyond your expectations while others hit without much response at all. What makes the difference? In many cases, it's whether or not you appealed to the hot buttons of…

The Project Horizon – Dealing with Delays
Marketing & PRMarketing, and in particular content writing, always seems like an unpredictable path. Customer’s change their minds, people go on holidays, unexpected additions creep in; and before you know it you’re a month past due and people are screaming.It’s…

3 Digital Start-Ups That Made it Big (and what you can learn from them)
Marketing & PRSuccess and financial freedom are often mentioned.Some feel like they have achieved it but want more and are afraid of losing it tomorrow. They are the successful but paranoid. So they keep going hard.Others sense they are never going…

How I Used Marketing Automation (and Twitter) To Grow My Email List By 10,000 New Subscribers
Marketing & PRIt was a conference.The presentation on a multi-million dollar production that had won multiple awards at Cannes was revealed.The project? A fascinating and creative video.The result?Millions of views and tens of millions…