
Read about the posts about the category Freelancing of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


Why Writers Need Readers

When I was in grade 12, the final year of high school in Australia where I grew up, we were given a year-long writing assignment in English class. We had to spend the entire year researching and writing about a topic, then by the end of final…

Content marketing 2.0: How To Create Pillar Articles In Today’s New Media Obsessed World

Many years ago I coined the phrase “Pillar Article” or sometimes called, “Pillar Content“, to describe how to create great blog content. To my surprise, it really caught on in the blogging about blogging community and many thousands…

Five tips to build a freelance portfolio that will get you work

Need to show off your freelance talents and win over potential new clients? Read five tips to help you build a freelance portfolio that will get you work. You could be the best freelancer on the entire planet, but nobody will know that if…

Bad News For Copywriters and Businesses

I would never ever suggest to my clients that they pay me per word. By its very nature, it encourages quantity over quality. Plain and simple. I can waffle for England when I want to; anyone who reads these blogs will know it’s very easy…

10 ways you can use LinkedIn to find freelance clients

Everyone knows that LinkedIn is a useful platform for recruiters and job seekers. But what about freelancers? Read 10 ways you can use LinkedIn to find freelance clients. As a former freelancer myself, I am very aware of the benefits of…

The Five Personality Traits a Freelancer Needs

National freelancer day is coming and I thought this offered the perfect opportunity to share some insights into freelancing. Here are the five personality traits I believe you need if you are to be a freelancer. Self Motivation Self Motivation…

What’s a good open rate for email campaigns?

All of us who run email campaigns look at the numbers of people that actually open our hard work and wonder if that’s a good number, or should we just give up?  What about the people that didn’t open it? Why don’t they love us anymore? We’re…

Check my emails, my routine: A day in the life of a copywriter.

Log on and check my bank account to see whether anyone has paid me overnight. No. Hmph. Check my emails. Some spam (filtered into a separate folder), some newsletters, some invitations to networking events, and a money-off pizza offer. Drive…

How to Make Your Company Blog a Success Story

Today, nearly every savvy marketer knows the importance of a company blog, and for many of them, it’s the first step towards establishing an online presence. However, it isn’t enough to simply have a blog because, guess what?—every other…

The Ideal Client.

I’ve been working with local freelancers to overcome some of the challenges we face as we’re trying to build our business, and one of the questions I ask is: Who is your ideal client? In many cases, the freelancer isn’t sure. They often…

Why freelance copywriters need a plan Z

Being freelance is magical for me. It’s that “free” part.  I was always a square peg in round holes, so being my own boss, working when suits me (often as dawn is breaking), glowing appraisals, and being able to go off-peak to the gym…

Tales of a master procrastinator

“Never put off til tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well” ~ Mark Twain To be honest, I started this post a few months ago… In many cases, procrastination within an office environment can go undetected for a long…