Tag Archive for: Netherlands

Miriam Freelance Copywriter
NewsFreelance copywriters – they’re everywhere. Or so the internet would have you believe. But there’s a world of difference between people willing to string a few sentences together for money and those whose writing is the product of a whole…

After 10 years in Holland, we’re finally the Dutch Copywriter Collective
NewsThat's right, after 10 years operating in the Netherlands we finally have a new Dutch language website. We began life in Amsterdam representing English copywriters in the Netherlands, then across Europe. And not soon after we added Dutch copywriters…

Why are Dutch creatives in demand?
NewsWhy should international agencies hire a Dutch creative as opposed to an Englishman, German or French? If it's for an international campaign, what's the benefit? Erik Rolf, freelance 'Nederlands' copywriter, explains why it's always best to…

Differences in advertising between Slovenia and the Netherlands
Ever wondered how agency life in The Netherlands compares to that in Slovenia? Conceptual Copywriter Martin Mol has a foot in both worlds and shares his thoughts on the differences in advertising between Slovenia and the Netherlands."In…

July update
NewsIn this editionWant to spend a month in the spotlight?
Help improve The Collective's search ranking
Sky Radio Run, 5th September----------------------------------
Want to spend month in the spotlight?
Last month we launched our new…