Hello, I’m Gioele, an Italian copywriter

I live in Milan, Italy.

I’m a Creative copywriter

I’m not a copywriter; I’m a guy who wanted to be an inventor.

I have travelled, studied and worked in different agencies.

Now I would like to be a kind of “modern philosopher”. I just want to live like them. They were the ones who watched, thought and wrote all their lives, right ?! How beautiful it is ?!

Experience things, think about those, then other things that are related to the former, then the more you come, and again, and again; and the circle begins.

Then somehow, after a while, you’ve solved the puzzle of your mind, and you can find those words that you have to explain to someone else.

Finally, if you add to this life a business dimension – which allows you to build something you imagined, as long as you make it relevant to the business purpose – then I can be an inventor.
