Technical/Medical Copy

Read about the posts about the category Technical/Medical Copy of How to be a copywriter by Copywriter Collective.


Medical Copywriter – How to FOCUS Your Message

There’s no doubt about it. Medical marketing comes with a pretty unique set of challenges. That’s because every word you write falls under the scrutiny of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), state agencies and your own regulatory…

Medical Copywriter – Writing When You Can’t Say Anything

The challenges that come with writing persuasive medical marketing copy are numerous. Every word you write must be factual and really mean something. Why?Because today’s medical marketing materials are under intense scrutiny from the U.S.…

Thinking about becoming a freelance medical writer? Here’s my advice.

This is an edited version of one of my recent posts on Health Writer Hub (which is a global community for health writers and medical writers).At the recent Australasian Medical Writers Association annual conference last week, I chatted…

How to Get Hired as a Technical Writer With No Certification or Experience

Technical writing jobs can be quite lucrative; the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its 2012 numbers on how much technical writers earn and the median pay per hour is a solid $30. Furthermore, the demand for technical writers is increasing…

Pharmaceutical advertising

Superlatives, hanging comparisons, and other ‘no-nos’ of pharmaceutical advertising copywriting With consumer products you can talk superlatives:(“This stuff is the best there is, no question”). You can use hanging comparatives: (“Ours…

Writing ‘digital’ medical communications.

We are all digital now The internet, via our computers, iPads, iPhones and mp3s (not to mention TVs and Radios) provides us with our daily dose of data, information, social interactivity and entertainment. We also create, promote and write…

Medical Writers: Before you Write, Read and Research.

When the brief for advertising or promotional work comes in, there are two important considerations for the medical writer, especially if they are working off-site (i.e. at home rather than in your office).1. Discuss the brief with the client Clients…

Medical writing. It’s different to science writing.

 First and most importantly, medical writing should not be confused with science writing. The latter is generally written by medically- or scientifically- qualified people who write earnestly about molecules and complex modes of action…