
How proper IT support can transform your copywriting business

Imagine this: you’re in the flow, crafting a killer headline that’ll make your client do a double-take. Suddenly, your computer grinds to a halt. Frustration sets in – there goes another chunk of valuable writing time down the drain.

This scenario, unfortunately, is all too familiar for many copywriters that have come to me, even the experienced ones. But what if there was a way to minimize tech disruptions and keep your creative juices flowing? Enter the world of IT services.

Here are a few essential ones that can be a game-changer for copywriters:

Managed IT services

Think of this as having a dedicated tech team on call (without the hefty overhead costs). Managed IT services from reputable providers can handle routine maintenance, monitoring, and troubleshooting, ensuring your systems run smoothly. This efficiency frees you up to focus on what matters most – accomplishing your content writing projects smoothly.

Cloud storage and backup solutions

Have you ever experienced the heart-stopping moment of losing a document? I know many copywriters who have had this happen to them. Thankfully, cloud storage eliminates that worry. IT services can set up secure, centralized storage for your important files and projects, accessible to your individual writers from anywhere. Plus, automated backups ensure you’ll never lose a precious piece of writing again.

Content Management System (CMS)

Every copywriter can agree with me when I say that wrestling with website updates or SEO content optimization can be a significant drain on time. IT services can help with CMS management, taking care of website updates, plugin installations, and even basic SEO tactics – if that’s what you’re looking for.

With these IT services in your corner, you can say goodbye to tech headaches and hello to a smoother, more productive workflow. Should you need IT services in Melbourne or a similar one in your city, remember to do your research first!

Now, here are the reasons why you should consider investing in their services:

Enhances Productivity and Efficiency

Copywriting is a demanding game. Between juggling deadlines, and staying ahead of industry trends, there’s barely enough time in the day.

Imagine being able to squeeze more productivity and efficiency out of your already-packed schedule. By taking care of the technical aspects of your operation, IT services can transform your workflow, freeing you up to, well, write:

Set free your inner wordsmith

Managed IT services ensure your computer runs smoothly, updates are seamless, and technical glitches become a thing of the past. This capability translates to more precious time spent crafting compelling copy, whether it’s for a sales page brimming with convincing product descriptions or a blog post guaranteed to engage your audience.

Streamlined workflow

Cloud storage solutions eliminate the time wasted searching for lost documents. Imagine – all your files are readily accessible from anywhere, allowing you to logically switch between projects or collaborate with a writing team on the go. Need to update a client’s website with fresh content? No problem – you can access and edit the document instantly.

Target the right audience faster

There are some IT service packages that offer basic SEO optimization, helping your content rank higher in search engines and attracting potential customers straight to your website. This is a favorite among some of the copywriters I work with. It means less time spent on outreach and more time crafting targeted copy for email campaigns and marketing materials that echo with your ideal audience.

Focus on high-value tasks

Figuring out how to use website addons or digital marketing tools eats into your valuable writing time. IT services can handle these tasks. Allowing you to focus on high-value activities like strategizing captivating content for sales pages or blog posts, creating informative press releases, or developing impressive headlines for your next client’s marketing campaigns.

By eliminating tech distractions and modernizing your workflow, IT services become an investment in your most valuable asset: your time. This crucial expense translates to increased productivity, allowing you to take on more clients, explore new creative avenues, and, ultimately, grow your copywriting business.

Improves Technical Expertise

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and for copywriters, staying ahead of the curve can feel like chasing a moving target. While producing copy is your bread and butter, basic technical skills are increasingly becoming a necessity.

However, mastering these technical aspects can take away from your core strength: writing. Here are a few reasons why I would recommend asking for some help rather than doing it all yourself:

Access to experts

IT service providers have specialists on hand who can handle the technical aspects for you. Need help optimizing a blog post for SEO? They’ve got you covered. Struggling with a website content update on a client’s CMS platform? No sweat – the IT team can take care of it.

Training opportunity for your team

While some IT service providers may not offer extensive training programs for your staff, they can certainly be a resource for ongoing learning. Many of them provide helpful online tutorials and knowledge bases that can equip your team with the basics of SEO best practices or CMS management. Additionally, some IT service providers can work with you to develop customized training sessions to address your specific needs.

With an IT service in your back pocket, you gain access to expert support and potential training resources.

Enhances Security & Peace of Mind

The weight of data security can feel heavy on a copywriter’s shoulders. Client information, intellectual property, and confidential project details – a data infringement could be a business nightmare.

IT services can be your shield in this digital age:

Proactive protection

IT professionals implement robust security measures like firewalls and data encryption to safeguard your systems and information. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches.

Peace of mind for you and your clients

Knowing your data is protected allows you to focus on your creativity and be confident that your client’s information is secure. This safeguard translates to increased trust and potentially stronger client relationships.

Disaster recovery plan (optional)

While not every IT service offers comprehensive disaster recovery plans, you may opt for it to ensure business continuity in the event of a cyberattack or unforeseen technical issue.

By prioritizing security, IT services offer peace of mind, allowing you to write with confidence and focus on building your reputation as the best copywriting service out there.

It’s Cost-Beneficial

On the surface, investing in IT services might seem like an extra expense. But think of it as an investment in your most valuable asset: your time. Eliminating technical obstacles will allow you to focus on core tasks like client acquisition and creating compelling copy.

This strategy translates to increased earning potential. You can take on more projects and ultimately boost your bottom line. Plus, with a scalable IT infrastructure, you can rest assured that your technical support grows alongside your thriving professional copywriting service business.

Continue Reading: How IT Services for Copywriters Can Improve Productivity and Workflow


In my experience, a copywriter thrives at the intersection of creativity and technical know-how. IT services become a powerful partner, streamlining your workflow and eliminating technical roadblocks. The result? You can craft powerful narratives through content creation that your client will love, all while boosting your efficiency and confidence.

Ready to supercharge your content marketing strategy? Explore how IT services can empower your copywriting business.

Alex Johnson

I’m an IT professional based in Melbourne, Australia and I work closely with copywriters to help them improve their productivity and growth in their industry. Over the years of experience, I’ve gained an understanding of what works best for my clients and today, I want to share the best IT services for copywriters.

What I’ve learnt is that effective copywriting goes beyond just stringing words together. It requires a balance between creativity and technical know-how. IT services can be your secret weapon for freeing you from the admin of business and let you focus on what you do best – copywriting.

I’m a trusted authority in the tech industry, providing essential guidance to copywriters on optimizing IT services for improved productivity and growth. Through a results-driven approach, I equip professionals with the tools needed to excel in the digital realm. During leisure time, I enjoy attending live music events and exploring the vibrant local art scene in the city.