How to be a copywriter
12 Email Marketing Credibility Boosters
Copywriting SkillsIf you have no credibility with your email recipients, then it will be almost impossible to sell them on anything else. Trust is basic to any business to consumer or B2B relationship, and with the onslaught of spammers and other phishing attempts…
How to Create Ad-Copy That Sizzles
Advertising Copywriting SkillsWhether you're writing ad-copy for a sales brochure, website or email campaign, it’s essential that you have four key elements in place.Although these four elements are fundamentally different, when combined, they produce a highly effective…
How To Boost Your Email Reader Engagement
Work HabitsEmail marketing is mainly a one-way communication channel. An email campaign sends messages to a list of subscribers, providing information as in a newsletter or a sales message with instructions on how to respond. The marketer doesn’t expect…
Goal setting relevance in the online world
Work HabitsIt is not the first time that I heard the magic words whilst listening to audio programmes in my car: ‘Goal setting is the first step towards achieving success’.Well-known speakers like Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki,…
Why promoting your weaknesses is a smart idea
Copywriting SkillsIn business writing, it’s common to only talk about our strengths – the positive aspects of what we offer. But there are two excellent reasons why you should also promote your weaknesses, rather than hide them:1. it builds trust
A Web Designer Asked: How Can You Tell If You Have Either a Good Copywriter or a Bad One? Copywriters of All Stripes Raced to Answer This Question
Content & Strategy Copywriting SkillsA web designer recently asked a question in “Advertising Copywriting” and “Copywriter’s Beat,” two very popular copywriting linkedin groups. He quickly received a large number of answers. The question was: “How can you…
Are mates’ rates a good idea?
FreelancingA close friend of mine is our family dentist. I choose her because I believe she is excellent at her job – and pure magic with my kids. (My kids actually get excited about a trip to the dentist.)After our appointments, the receptionist…
15 Blogs for Freelance Copywriters to Run to When They Need Answers
Content & Strategy Copywriting SkillsIf you asked freelance copywriters, even some new ones, to name the blogs that give them the most value in terms of their freelance professions, they’d probably name the blogs of the usual suspects: Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, Brian Clark, Brian…
See our freelance copywriters
Why? Because we only represent proven copywriters that excel at the difficult arts of copywriting and freelancing.
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