How to be a copywriter
6 Lessons From A Copywriter Intern’s First 6 Days
Agency Life Work HabitsHey there! I’m an intern at Victors & Spoils, an advertising agency in Boulder, Colorado. Welcome to ad life, a world of sweat, tears and iced coffee. Expect bad puns by the boatload.As a self-taught creative hailing from biz school,…
5 Writing Tips Inspired by Hemingway
Content & StrategyA few summers ago my daughter read A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway’s World War I novel. She liked it for the most part, which I consider a compliment to the old master since he has to compete with J.K. Rowling and other modern authors…
Member update
NewsHere is a Member update for Copywriter Collective's freelancers for the summer.
- Linkedin: Our Linkedin group has passed 5000 members. Have you used it? It's a great place to find out what's going on in copywriting, find more copywriting…
Traits of-a great content writer
Content & Strategy Copywriting SkillsThe New Year is finally upon us and with that: new resolutions, new budgets and new plans, both personal and professional. As you begin to plan for 2015, there is a good chance you will be looking to expand your content marketing strategies.Content…
Scannable and Objective: Marketese or Sex on a Page?
Copywriting Skills“A copywriting style that embellishes the effects or benefits of a product or service in an attempt to make it more attractive to the target audience. Frequently uses superlatives and adjectives.”
I don’t know if I could recommend SiteTurners,…
How to Deliver the Perfect Pitch
Copywriting SkillsWhether you’re pitching for investment or selling to a customer, having your pitch tightly refined and perfected is crucial. Pitching can be intimidating at first, but by following these few simple principles, you can become a seasoned pro…
The secret to finding your blog writing style
Content & Strategy Copywriting SkillsThere’s so much about writing that seems uncertain, fluid, and changeable. Especially when it comes to questions about your blog writing style, or the unique voice you want to use to address your readers. You know it’s important, because…
Inside the blog content ideas funnel
Copywriting SkillsHave you ever wondered why people who make magazines, newspapers and big, content-rich websites never seem to run out of ideas? The truth is, there is a process for generating blog content ideas, and it frequently involves staring into space.Not…
See our freelance copywriters
Why? Because we only represent proven copywriters that excel at the difficult arts of copywriting and freelancing.
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